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Maggie Wood

AYR,N.B.—The brigantine Maggie Wood, of Belfast, bound from that port to Ayr in ballast, stranded on the Barton Bocks, about a mile and a half south of Ayr Harbour, during a gale of wind from the W.N.W. and a heavy sea on the evening of the 1st Jan. 1882. As the gale was increasing, it was dangerous for any other than a Life-boat to proceed to the vessel, and the Glasgow Workman Life-boat, stationed at Ayr, therefore went off to her with a steam tug from the Harbour. Lines were passed by the Life-boat from the brigantine to the steamer, which was unable to get near her, on account of the shallowness of the water, and the vessel, which had lost her rudder, was towed to Troon, the master's wife being landed by the Life-boat..