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Countess of Caithness

RAMSEY, ISLE OF MAN. — At about 2 o'clock on the afternoon of Sunday, 26th March, a signal of distress was shown by the schooner Countess of Caithness', of Gloucester, bound from Limerick to Port William, N.B., with a cargo of bones. A fresh gale from N. by W. was blowing then, and the sea was rough.

The Two Sisters Life-boat at once went to her, and the master asked for help to get his vessel out of her perilous position, as she was then close to the rocks near Manghold Head. Four of the Lifeboatmen went on board, and as it was impossible to" make Ramsey Harbour she was taken to Douglas, which was reached about 5 P.M. The crew, consisting of three men, were quite exhausted, and the master had had no rest for eight days..