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Treatment of the Apparently Drowned

As it is considered that the cause of Science would be greatly benefited if the results of the Treatment in eases of Apparently Drowned Persons were col- lected for comparison and future consideration, it is requested that Answers to the following Questions on the subject may be immediately forwarded to the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION :— QUERIES. ANSWERS.

1. Date and place of occurrence ? 1.

2. Sex, name, and age of person ? 2.

3. Length of time immersed ? 3.

4. Time from rescue to first sign of life ? 4.

5. Time from rescue to recovery ? 5.

6. State of the weather, if warm or cold ? • 6.

7. State of the water? 7.

8. What mode of treatment adopted, whether 8.

the rules of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION or those of others—if the former, whether the "Marshall Hall" system or the "Silvester" was adopted, or a combination of both ? 9. If treatment successful or not ? 9.

10. Length of time persevered with ? 10.

11. How long were the efforts to restore 11.

respiration continued ? 12. Was much fluid discharged from the 12.

mouth, and at what intervals ? 13. Was a medical man in attendance ? 13.

14. Remarks, if any ? 14.

Date 188 Signature.

To the Secretary of the Of. ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, John Street, Adelphi, London, W.G. County of..

*** If practicable, it would be desirable to have these Questions answered by the Medical Practitioner who attended the case.