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List of the Services of the Lift-Boats of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution During the Year 188

List of the Services of the Lift-boats of the Royal National Life boat Institution during the year 1881.

Lives Saved Agnes, schooner, of Llanelly .... 5 Albion, schooner, of Southampton 4 Aldebaran, schooner, of Lanrvig —assisted to save vessel and .. 5 Alecto, barque, of Malta—re- mained by vessel.

Angostura, barque, of Hamburg —saved vessel and 17 4nni« .Marie, schooner.ofKrageroe 3 Attila, ship, of Newcastle—ren- dered assistance.

August, barque, of Snndswall, Sweden, assisted to save vessel &16 August, brig, of Barth 7 Aurora, sloop, of Boston 3 Ballyvialter, ti -hing boat 2 Karon van Pattandt, barque.... 11 HOI, bo it, Hallywalter, saved boat.

Bertha, brigan'tlne, of Bye 6 Berwick-on-Tweed fishing boats, Raved two boats and 9 Bessie Whinery, brigantine, of Maryport—saved vessel and... 6 Black Cat, flshini? smack—saved vessel and 2 • Slue Jacket, schooner, of Beau- maris. *avei! vessel and 3 Bramty. tariff., of Wlntehaven... 4 Hraztiian, s.s., of Barrow—ren- dered assistance.

Hraim. -chooner, of Kowey 5 Hristnl /-acket. kelcli, of New port, Muu.—remained by vessel.

Brixlwin pilot gig—remained alongside.

Sroomhill, s.s., of I mndee 19 Brothers, ketch, Tenby 4 Butcher, barce, ot Rochester 2 Caduceus, barque, of North Shields 10 Cambria, schooner, of Thurso... a Castlemaine, ship, of Liverpool.. 25 'atherine, smack, of Ramsgate .. 5 Cavalier, schooner, of Losaiemouth 6 Chin Chin, barque, of Jersey 6 Claremont. steamer, of Newcastle 6 Constance, schooner, of Swansea . 10 Cruden fishing boats—rendered assistance.

Cullercoats ttshing coble—ren- dered assistance.

Danube, brigantine, of Guernsey —remained by vessel.

Darragh Beg, s.s., of Douglas, I.M. 3 Daytjmng, brig., of Liverpool... 1 Dorothy 4 Mary, schooner, of Newcastle, saved vessel and... 4 BUM Emma,, brig, of Shoreham. 6 KHen, smack, Onne's Head—saved vessel.

EUen Vair, schooner, assisted to save vessel.

Equestrian, schooner, ot Banff... 4 Jlquity, schooner, of Boston—as- sisted to save vessel and 7 Eulala, schooner, of 1 lumfries... 4 Swart, schooner, of Aland, Fin- land—rendered assistance.

excelsior, barque, of Laurvlg... 13 Excelsior, German barque—re- mained by vessel.

favorite, schooner, of Quimper .. 4 Febt , barque, of Genoa—assisted to save vessel and 14 fidele, brig, of Marstrand, assisted to save vessel and 6 Kshguard Lass.ot Abersoch 3 .FZora, brigantine, of Swansea... 6 Florence, schooner, of Belfast... 6 live* Saved Frances Marie, sen. of Nantes ... 5 Fraserburgh fishing boats—ren- dered assistance.

Ganges, ship, of London 32 George and Alary, schooner, of Barrow 5 George IT. Oulton, ship, of St.

John's, N.B 27 Georgina, brig., of Portmadoc ... 5 Germania, s.s., of Middlesborough —assisted to save vessel & crew 17 Gertrude, barque, of Liverpool .. 13 Geruase, s.s., of London—assisted to save vessel and 19 Gleaner, schooner, of Garston ... 3 iwlentvilliam, s.s., of Barrow—re- mained by vessel.

(lolden Island, sch., of Belfast... 4 Grasshopper, schooner, of South- ampton 6 CuskLva, barque, of Laurvig 11 Gyda, brig, of Swendsall 4 Harmonie, schooner, ot'Mandel.. 5 Hasselo, brigantine, of Hagnesnnd 8 Holy Island fishing cobles—ren- dered assistance.

Huwtli, pleasure boat—saved boat and 4 Indian Chief, ship, of Liverpool . 12 Ingerid, I lutch s.s 7 Innis Fail, brig, of Dublin—as- sis ed to save vessel and 8 Iris, barque, of Getle 1'J.

iron Crown, barque, of Liverpool IB James Inrtes, smack, of St. Mon- ance, Fife 6 J. M. Harris, brigantine, of Dublin 3 John Green, schooner, of UroKheda 5 John Mestey, brigantine, of Seahain 6 Julie -fcasc/te, brigantine—assisted to save vessel.

Jupiter, barque, of Liverp « l.... 18 Kyanite, schooner, of Guernsey— assisted to save vessel and. ... 7 Laura, barque, of Grimstadt ... 14 Laura fell, s.s., of London as- sisted to save vessel and 7 Lebu, barque, of Liverpool 9 Lina, brigantine, of Aland 8 Lion, ketch, of Exeter 1 Lively, fishing coble, of Eedcar .. 2 Lizzie, ketch, of Bridgwater 4 Lizzie, schooner, of Fowey—ren- dered assistance.

Lorn, barque, of Hudiksval 10 iMiise, sen., of Frederickstadt... 5 Ludn-orth, s.s., of London 8 HaclKiff, ship, of Glasgow—ren- dered assistance.

Madeleine, lugger, of Boulogne Magdalen, boat, of Montrose..

Manne de del, French ketch .

Margaret, barque, of Belfast .

Haria, barge, of Rochester...

Maria, brig, of Hartlepool...

Marmora, barque, of Copenhagen 8 J/ary.barquentine, of Gothenburg 1 Mary Cook, of Campbeltown .... 14 nary Stuart, barque—rendered assistance.

Matilda, brig, of Gothenberg— rendered assistance.

Matilda Bilyard, barque, of Greenock—rendered assistance.

Menodora, brigantin£, of Hartle- pool 6 Milka, barque, of Hume, re- mained by vessel.

Linet Saved Minnie Coles, sch., of Southamp- ton—assisted to save vessel and 5 Mischief, schooner, of Rye 4 Miss Beck, schooner, of Carnarvon 5 Neath Trader, smack, of Newport 3 Stilly, barquentine, of Bridgwater —saved vessel and 6 New Eagle, sloop, of Grimsby... 2 Niels, Swedish schooner 5 Norma, s.s., of Bergen 11 Korman, s.s., of London 11 Iforth Wales, barque, of London . 21 Xorthumlterland, s.s., of New- castle 4 Ocean, schooner, of Goole, assisted to save vessel and 4 Ocean Monarch, brig, of Guernsey 9 Olive Branch, barge, ot Harwich, assisted to save vessel and .... 3 Oscar, schooner, of I .eith 7 Pampero, barque, of Swansea — assisted to save vessel aud 14 Peace, dandy, of Lowesujft— saved vessel and 5 Queeit of the L'sk, brigautine, of Whitehaven 5 tance, S.A., of Ilristo! 5 lied Wharf, fishing Loat of 3 he'nrde • 'ceur. sctmoner, ot Nantes 6 Retriever, s.s., of Montrose—ren- dered assistance.

Rosa Josephs, sc h., of St. Vaast.. 5 ftosita, Spanish schooner 11 Ruby, sloop, of Goole-assisted to save vessel and 2 Runswick and Staithes fishing cobles—rendered assistance.

St. Anne, lugger, of .Nantes 7 .Vans *-'eorg, barque, of Rostock- assisted to save crew 12 Scud, smack, of Yarmouth 9 Shamrock, dandy, ot Hull 5 Shannon, schooner, of Liverpool— rendered assistance.

Skold, brigantine, of Christiansund —rendered assistance.

Sophia Holten, dandy, of Plymouth 2 Star of Peace, of Mwitrose—as- sisted to save vessel and 6 Stratheden, barque, of Dundee... 12 Tal-if-fan, screwflat, of Liverpool 4 Teignmouth fishing boats—saved two boats and 2 Thomas, ketch, of Lynn 3 Time, ketch, of Goole 4 Trafalgar, 8.S., of London 23 Triton, dandy, of Yarmouth—as- sisted to save vessel and 6 Two Brothers, ketch, of Bridg- water 3 TMca, s.s., of Llanelly 10 Visitor, Brig, of Whitby 6 William, schooner, of Dublin.... 2 William, schooner, of Liverpool. 6 Yorkshire Lass, ketch, of Boston. 3 Young Henry, smack, of Yar- mouth, remained by vessel.

Zipporah, schooner, of Scarborough 2 Total lives saved by Life-boats In 1881. in addition to Thirty- three vessels 966 During the same period the Insti- tution wanted rewards lor savin? liven by ashing anil othw boats 155 Total of lives saved) 1121 ia 1881 •••• 5.