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Directions for Restoring the Apparently Drowned


jjotaram — g Services of the Life-boats of the Institution in 1881.

Agnes, schooner, of Llanelly .... 6 Albion, schooner, of Southampton 4 Aldebaran, schooner, of Laurvig . —assisted to save vessel and .. 5 Alecto, barque, of Malta—re- mained by vessel.

Angostura, barque, of Hamburg —saved vessel and 17 4nnfeJfarie,schooner,ofKrageroe 3 Attila, ship, of Newcastle—ren- dered assistance.

August, barque, of Snndswall, Sweden, assisted to save vessel £18 August, brig, of Barth 7 Aurora, sloop, of Boston 3 Ballywalter, fishing boat 2 Baron van Pallandt, barque.... 11 KM, boat, Bally waiter, saved boat.

Bertha, brlgantine, of Rye 6 Berwick-on-Tweed fishing boats, saved two boats and 9 Bessie Whinery, brigantine, of Maryporfc-saved vessel and... 6 Slack Cat, fishing smack—saved vessel and 2 Blue Jacket, schooner, of Beau- maris, saved vessel and S Bramty, brig.,of Whitehaven... 4 Brazilian, ss., of Barrow—ren- dered assistance.

Breton, schooner, of Fowey 6 Bristol Paciat. ketch, of Newport, Mon.—remained by vessel.

Brbcbam pilot gig—remained alongside.

Broomh.Hl, ss., of Dundee 19 Brothers, ketch, Tenby 4 Butcher, barge, of Rochester 2 Caduceus, barque, of North Shields 10 Cambria, schooner, of Thnrso... 2 Castlemaine, ship, of Liverpool.. 26 Catherine, smack, of Ramsgate.. 5 Cavalier, schooner, of Losslemouth 5 Chin Chin, barque, of Jersey.... 6 Claremant, steamer, of Newcastle 6 Genttance, schooner, of Swansea . 10 Crnden fishing boats—rendered assistance.

Cullercoats fishing coble—ren- dered assistance.

Ilanube, brigantine, of Guernsey —remained by vessel.

Darragh Beg, ss., of Douglas, I.M. 3 Vaytpring, brig., of Liverpool... 1 Dorothy & Mary, schooner, of Newcastle, saved vessel and... 4 Eliza Emma, bag, of Shoreham. 6 alien, smack, Orme's Head—saved vessel.

Ellen Fair,'schooner, assisted to save vessel.

Equestrian, schooner, of Banff... 4 Equity, schooner, of Boston—as- sisted to save vessel and 7 TSulala, schooner, of Dumfries... 4 Ewart, schooner, of Aland, Fin- land—rendered assistance.

Excelsior, barque, of Lanrvtg... 13 Excelsior, German barque—re- mained by vessel.

Favorite, schooner, of Quimper .. 4 Feoo, barque, of Genoa—assisted to save vessel and 14 Fidele, brig, of Maretrand, assisted to save vessel and 6 Fishguard Last, of Abersoch.... 8 Flora, brigantine, of Swansea... 6 Florence, schooner, of Belfast... 5 Frances tlttrie, sch. of Nantes ... 6 Fraserburgh fishing boats—ren- dered assistance.

Ganges, ship, of Ixmdon 32 George and Mary, schooner, of Barrow 5 George H. Oulton, ship, ef St.

John's,.N.B 27 Georgina, brig., of Portmadoc ... 6 Germania, ss., of Middlesborough —assisted to save vessel & crew 17 Gertrude, barque, of Liverpool .. 13 Gervase, ss., of London—assisted to save vessel and 19 Gleaner, schooner, of Garston ... 3 UlenimUiam, ss., of Barrow—re- mained by vessel.

Golden Island, sch., of Belfast... 4 Grasshopper, schooner, of South- ampton 6 Guttava, barque,of Laurvig .... 11 Gyda, brig, of SwendsalU 4 Harmonie, schooner, of Mandel.. 5 Haiselo, brigaatine, ef Haguesund 8 Holy Island fishing cobles—ren- dered assistance.

Sowth, pleasure boat—saved boat and 4 Indian Chief, ship, of Liverpool . 12 Ingerid, Dutch ss 7 limit Fail, brig, of Dublin—as- sisted to save vessel and 8 Iris, barque, of Gene 12 Iron Crown, barque, of Liverpool 18 James Innes, smack, of St. Mon- ance. Fife 6 J. M. Harris, brigantine, of Dublin 3 John Green, schooner, of Drogheda 5 John Wesley, brigantine, of Seaham 5 Julie Easche, brigantine—assisted to save vesseL Jupiter, barque, of Liverpool.... 18 Kyanite, schooner, of Guernsey— assisted to save vessel and 7 Laura, barque, of Grimstadt.... 14 Laura Fell, ss., of London, as- sisted to save vessel and 7 Lebu, barque, of Liverpool 9 l.ina, brigantine, of Aland 8 Lion, ketch, of Exeter 1 Lively, fishing coble, of Redcar .. 2 Liziie, ketch, of Bridgwater 4 Lizzie, schooner, of Fowey—ren- dered assistance.

Lorn, barque, of Hndiksval 10 Louise, sch., of Frederickstadt... 5 Ludwerth, SB., of Londoa 8 XaeDuff, ship, of Glasgow—ren- dered assistance.

Madeleine, lugger, of Boulogne.. 16 Magdalen, boat, of Montrose. .. 6 Uanne de del, French ketch .. 4 Margaret, barque, of Belfast .. 16 Maria, barge, of Rochester.. .. 2 Maria, brig, of Hartlepool.. .. 6 Jlarmora, barque, of Copenhagen 8 Mary, barqnentine, of Gothenburg 1 Mary Cook, of Campbeltown 2 Mary Stuart, barque—rendered assistance.

Matilda, brig, of Gothenberg— rendered assistance.

Matilda Hilyard, barque, of Greenock—rendered assistance.

Menodora, brigantine, of Hartle- pool 8 Milka, barque, of Flume, re- mained by vesseL Minnie Coles, sen* of Southamp- ton—assisted to save vessel and 5 Mischief, schooner, of Rye 4 Hiss Beck, schooner, of Carnarvon 6 Xeath Trader, smack, of Newport 3 JVei%,barquentine,ofBiidgwater —saved vessel and 6 New Eagle, sloop, of Grimsby... 8 Niels, Swedish schooner 5 Karma, ss., of Bergen 11 ftorman, ss., of London 11 Xortk Wales, barque, of London. 81 Northumberland, ss., of New- castle 4 Ocean, schooner, of Goole, assisted to save vessel and 4 Ocean Monarch, brig, of Guernsey 9 Olive Branch, barge, of Harwich, assisted to save vessel and .... 3 Oscar, schooner, of Leith 7 Pampero, barque, of Swansea — assisted to axve vessel and 14 Peace, dandy, of Lowestoft— saved vessel and 6 Queen of the Usk, brigantine, of Whitebaven 6 Ranee, ss., of Bristol ........... 6 Red Wharf, fishing boat ef 3 Seine de Cceur, schooner, of Nantes 6 Jletriever, ss., of Montrose—ren- dered assistance.

Itosa Josephs, sch., of St. Vaast.. 6 Jtosita, Spanish schooner 11 Ruby, sloop, of Goole—assisted to save vessel and 8 Runswick and Stalthes fishing cobles—rendered assistance. - St. Anne, lugger, of Nantes 7 -Sans Georg, barque, of Rostock- assisted to save crew 12 Scud, smack, of Yarmouth...... 9 Shamrock, dandy, of Hull 5 Shannon, schooner, of Liverpool- rendered assistance.

Skold, brigantine, of Christlansnnd —rendered assistance.

Sophia Holten, dandy, »f Plymouth 8 Star of Peace, of Montrose—as- sisted to save vessel and 6 Slrathedcn, barque, of Dundee... 12 7aZ y/an, screwflat, of Liverpool. 4 Teignmoutu fishing boats—saved two boats and 2 Thomas, ketch, of Lynn 8 Time, ketch, of Goole 4 Trafalgar, ss., of London 23 Triton, dandy, of Yarmouth—as- sisted to save vessel and 6 Two Brothers, ketch, of Bridg- water 3 Udea, SB., of Llanelly 10 Visitor, Brig, of Whitby 6 William, schooner, of Dublin.... 2 William, schooner, of Liverpool. 6 Yorkshire Lass, ketch, of Boston. 3 Young Henry, smack, of Yar- mouth, remained by vessel.

£ 2 poraA,schooner,ofScarborongh 2 Total lives saved by Life-boats in ' 1881, in addition to Thirty- three vessels 966 Daring tile same period the Insti- tution granted rewards for saving lives by fishing and other boats 166 The number of lives saved either by the Life-boats of the Institution, or by special exertions for which it has granted rewards, since its formation, Is 28,724. v Donations and Annual Subscriptions are thankfully received by the Bankers of the Institution, Messrs.

CODTTS ADD Co., 59 Strand; Messrs. HKRKIKS, FABQUHAB, AND Co., 16 St. James's Street; Messrs. HOABK, 37 Fleet Street, London; by all the other Bankers in the United Kingdom; by all the Life-boat Branches; and by the Secretary at the Institution, 14 JOHN STKBXT, ADKLPHI, LONDON, W.C.—February 1,1882..