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SKERRIES, Co. DUBLIN.—On the 14th October the schooner William, of Dublin, bound from Swansea to Ardrossan with a cargo of coal, and having a crew of five men, sought shelter in Skerries Bay from stress of weather, the wind at the time blowing a whole gale from the N.W. The weather having moderated, three of the crew came ashore; but the wind afterwards increased, and the vessel then made for the harbour, but was blown beyond the point of shelter and stranded. The sea was washing over her, and the two men on board her feeing in great peril rocket was fired over her, and the line placed on board; but the men were unacquainted with its use, and the Laura, Platt Life-boat, stationed at Skerries, therefore proceeded to the schooner, and brought the two men safely ashore.

Mr. THOMAS ELMORB, Chief Officer ,of H.M. Coastguard, went out in the Lifeboat on this occasion..