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Favorite and Two Brothers

PADSTOW.—The Albert Edward Lifeboat put off during a strong gale from the N.W., arid a very heavy sea, and with great difficulty rescued the crew, consist- ing of four men, from the schooner Favorite, of Quimper, which had lost her sails and had stranded on the middle of the Doom bar. The weather afterwards moderated, and on the next tide the vessel beat over the sand.

A ketch was seen in the offing during a strong gale from the S.E., at about 11 A.M. on the 19th October, trying to make the harbour. She had lost her sails and was otherwise disabled. She let go her anchors about a mile below Stepper Point, in a perilous position. At about 7 P.M. it was considered advisable that the Life-boat should proceed to her; the Albert Edward was accordingly launched, and after an hour and a half's pull succeeded in reaching her, and brought her crew of three men safely ashore. She proved to be the ketch Two Brothers, of Bridgwater, from Newport to Boscastle, with coal..