Civil Service Life-Boat Fund
AT the annual meeting of the Committee, held on the 10th Jan., at the General Post Office, the Honorary Secretary, Mr. CHARLES DIBDIN, F.R.G.S., reported that the Fund had experi- enced more than usual prosperity during the past year, in which the number of the subscribers had reached 5538, a large increase on the numbers of previous years; that since the publication of the last Report the Committee had handed to the National Institution, in addition to a subscrip- tion of 100Z., the sum of 1000Z., for the endow- ment of the second Civil Service Life-boat.
Charles Dibdin, which saved eighteen lives off Tynemouth in October last. It was further stated that the Committee desired to raise the necessary funds for the endowment of their third Life-boat at Port Patrick, in order that the Institution may thereby be relieved of any expense in future in connection with the boats presented by the Fund, Civil Service No. 1, at Wexford, having been endowed in 1879. The boats of the Fund have, up to the present tune, attended twenty-seven wrecks, saved five vessels and 149 lives.
NOTICE.—The next number of the ' Life-boat Journal' containing the Annual Report, &c., will be published on the 1st May next.