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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

THURSDAY, 5th May, 1881.

THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., P.E.S., V.P., Chairman of the Institution, in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Keward Sub-Com- mittees.

Also the reports of the five District Inspectors of Life-boats, on their visits to the following Stations:— No. 1 District. Capt. the Hon. H. W. CHET- WYND, R.N., London—New Romney.

No. 2 District Commander C. LAPRIMAUDAYE, R.N., Bristol—Appledore (two Boats), Braun- ton, Ilfracombe, Lynmouth, Morte, Watchet, and Burnham.

No. 3 District. Lieut. H. T. G. TIPPING, E.N., Dublin—Fleetwood,Whitehaven, Seascale, Mary- port, Silloth, Piel, Blackpool, Lytham, South- port, New Brighton (two Boats), Douglas (two Boats), Ramsey, and Castletown.

No. 4 District. Lieut. GERALD R. MALTEY, R.N., Edinburgh—Cruden, Newburgh, Stone- haven, Gourdon, Montrose (two Boats), Arbroath, Buddon Ness, Broughty Ferry, and St. Andrews.

No. 5 District. Commander ST. VINCENT NEPEAN, R.N., Hull—Middlesboro', Redcar, Saltburn, Staithes, Runswick, Filey, Bridling- ton, Flamborough (two Boats), Withernsea, and Hornsea.

Reported the receipt of the following Special Contributions since the last meeting:— £. i. d.

Macdonald Lodge of Freemasons, No. 1216, per Captain ARTHUR STYAN 550 Collected from Visitors at the Clifton Down Hotel, per Lieut. R. H. EYKE, R.N 136 —To be severally thanked.

Also that the following Legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £. s. d.

The late Mrs. A. P. FORTUNE, of Liverpool 200 0 0 The late CECIL MEYER, Esq. of Up- per Norwood 220 Voted the thanks of the Committee to T. F. EVANS, Esq., and Mr. A. P. BRAY, in acknowledgment of their past kind co-operation as Honorary Secretaries, respectively, of the Bull Bay and Harwich Branches of the Institution.

The Committee expressed their deep sympathy with LORD ROBARTES, V.P., and with "his son, Mr. AGAR ROBARTES, M.P., on the sudden and much lamented death of LADY ROBARTES on the 12th April last.

The Committee also expressed their deep regret at the death of Capt. W. HUTCHISON, E.N., who was for many years the zealous Honorary Secretary of the Kingstown Branch of the Institution, and who had received its Gold Medal for gallant deeds in saving life from shipwreck.

Read letter from the MARQUIS DE RUBALOANA, President of the Spanish Life-boat Society, of the 29th March, calling attention to the es- tablishment of that Society, and expressing a hope that it might rival in usefulness on the Coast of Spain the work of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION on the shores of the British Isles.—To 6e acknowledged.

Ordered that various works be carried out at the Staithes, Nairn, Hastings, and Kimeridge Life-boat Stations, at a cost of 2982.

Paid 1283Z. 17s. Wd., for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 1021. 2«. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Life-boats at Newquay (Cornwall), Porthcawl, Theddlethorpe, and Palling, in rendering the following Services:—• Lives saved.

Steamer Celeste, of Hartlepool. Rendered assistance.

Barque Marmora, of Copenhagen ... 8 Smack Shamrock, of Hull 5 Fishing smack Catharine, of Ramsgate . 5 The Portmadoc Life-boat had rendered as- sistance to the barque Matilda.

The Ballywalter Life-boat had brought into harbour the Bell Buoy boat which had broken adrift, and the Lossiemouth Life-boat had saved the crew, consisting of five men, of the schooner Cavalier, of Lossiemouth.

[Accounts of some of these Life-boat Services will be found on pages 423-426.] Voted also SSL 6s. 9d. to pay the expenses of the Harwich, Clacton-on-Sea, and Donna Nook Life-boats in putting off to the aid of vessels which had shown signals of distress, but which did not ultimately require the assistance of the boats.

The Ramsgate Life-boat had also been taken out, but her services had not been required.

Read letter from the Honorary Secretary of the Harwich Branch, stating that the Silver Medal voted by the Institution to Mr. WILLIAM BRITTON, Coxswain of the Harwich Life-boat, in acknowledgment of his services on the occasion of the wreck of the Dutch steamer Ingerid, had been presented to him by SIR HENRY TYLER, M.P., at a public meeting, held at the Town Hall, Harwich, on the 9th April.

,At the same meeting, Medals which had been granted by the SOUTH HOLLAND SOCIETY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF LIFE FROM SHIPWRECK, were also presented. They comprised a Gold Medal to Capt. ST. VINCENT NEPEAN, R.N., District Inspector of Life-boats, a large Silver Medal to Mr. WILLIAM BRITTON, and a Silver Medal to each of the crew of the Harwich Life-boat, accompanied in each case by a tes- timonial on vellum, in acknowledgment of their services to the steamer Ingerid.

Also read letter from the Board of Trade, forwarding a copy of a communication from the Swedish and Norwegian Minister at the Court of St. James, requesting that the thanks of his Government might be conveyed to the crew of the Nairn Life-boat in recognition of their noble and humane conduct in rescuing the crew of the schooner Anne Marie, of Krageroe, on the 20th January.

Voted 21. to Mr. BERNARD HAMILTON, Cox- swain of the Black Rock (Dundalk), Life-boat, and 21. 10s. to five other men, for their prompt and laudable services in proceeding to the rescue of a man who had gone out on the ice to recover one of the buoys which had broken loose in Dundalk Bay, and who had been unable to regain the shore during the severe weather experienced on the 18th January.

Also 51. to six Coastguard men for putting ofi in their boat at great risk, and saving two men from the fishing boat Start, of Porthleven, which was in distress off Cadgwith, Cornwall, during a moderate gale from theJE. and heavy sea, on the 30th March.

Also 21.10s. to five men for putting off in a boat and assisting to save the fishing lugger Royal Diadem, of Cellardyke, and her crew of six men, when that vessel was in distress off Bressa, Shetland, during a snow storm, and a high sea on the 20th March.

THURSDAY, 2nd June.

The Chairman of the Institution in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the pre- vious meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub- committees.

Also the report of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Eastbourne, Hastings, Clacton-on-Sea, and Grimsby, Also the reports of the five District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— 1. Guernsey, Alderney, Newhaven, Hastings, Winchelsea, Rye, Lydd, Hythe, and Dover.

2. Rhyl (two Boats), Llanddulas, Holyhead, Rhoscolyn, Khosneigir, Cemaes, Penmon, Cem- lyn, Llauddwyn, Bull Bay, Moelfre, and Llan- dudno.

3. Howth, Poolbeg, Balbriggan, Skerries, Rogerstown, Greencastle, Portrush, Groomsport, Ballywalter, Newcastle, and Tyrella.

4. Anstruther, North Berwick, Eyemouth, Berwick, Dunbar, North Sunderland, and Holy Island (two Boats).

5. Clacton, Harwich, Thorpeness, Aldborough,. Dunwich, Southwold (two Boats), Kessingland (two Boats), Pakefield (two Boats), Lowestoft (two Boats), Yarmouth (two Boats), Gorleston, Caister (two Boats), Winterton (two Boats), Palling (two Boats), Hasborough, Bacton, Mun- desley, Cromer, Sheringham, and Blakeney.

Reported the .receipt of the following Special Contributions since the last meeting:— £. s. d.

JAMES CHADWICK, Esq.. balance of cost of St. Anne's Life-boat Sta- tion (in addition to previous gift oflOOOZ.) 230 0 0 The late JOSIAH RUCK, Esq., per Mrs. RUCK 100 0 0 Anonymous—Psalm Ixvi. 13,14 . 20 0 0 A. PECKOVER, Esq., Wisbeach (ad- ditional) 20 0 0 Collected on board the s.s. Orient, per Capt. HEWISON .... 10 0 0 Proceeds of an Amateur Dramatic Entertainment at Felixstowe, per C. E. HARDING, Esq 540 Balance of proceeds of Life-boat Lecture at Maidenhead, per Col.

FITZROY CLAYTON .... 260 Proceeds of some Penny Readings at Brightwell, near Ipswich, per R. T. BROCKJIAN, Jun., Esq.. . 160 —To be severally thanked.

Also that the following Legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution :— £ «. d.

The late Miss DOWNIE, of Appinr N.B., for a Life-boat to be called the Appin 1000 0 0 The late Mrs. HESTER PRATT, of Leamington 100 0 0 £. s. d.

The late Mrs. JANE JAY, of Great Yarmouth 19 19 0 The late Miss A. M. COURTNEY, of Bournemouth 10 0 0 Voted the thanks of the Committee to the Rev. GEORGE PATON and Mr. JOHN SADLER in acknowledgment of their past valuable co-opera- tion as Honorary Secretaries respectively of the Ramsey and i'lymouth Branches of the Institution.

Read Letter from the Honorary Secretary of the National Fisheries Exhibition recently held at Norwich, stating that the Institution had been awarded a Gold Medal and Diploma of Honour for the Life-boat and Models sent by it to the Exhibition, and also a Silver Medal for the Model of the Safety Fishing Boat which it had exhibited.—To be acknowledged.

Decided that various works be carried out at the St. Anne's, Withernsea, and Robin Hood's Bay Life-boat Stations, at an expense of 6871.

Paid 2.258Z. Is. Id. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted SI. 10s. to pay the expenses of the launch of the Sidmouth Life-boat on the 23rd May, described on page 426.

The Ramsgate and Cadgwith Life-boats had rendered the following services:— Schooner Aldebaran, of Laurvig, Norway, assisted to save vessel and five lives; s.s. Crervase, of London, assisted to save vessel and nineteen; schooner Ellen Vair assisted to save vessel.

Voted 211. to pay the expenses of the Broad- stairs and Lizard Life-boats in putting off to the aid of vessels not ultimately requiring their assistance.

The Ramsgate and Porthleven Life-boats had also been taken out, but their services were not eventually needed.

Voted 5i!. 5s. in aid of a local subscription which was being raised at Brighton on behalf of ABRAHAM YOUNGS, late chief Boatman of the Brighton Branch of the Royal Humane Society, who had been instrumental in saving'upwards of one hundred and seventy-two lives from drowning on different occasions.

Also 21. to two fishermen of Staithes, York- shire, in acknowledgment of their services in their coble in saving the crew of three men of another coble, which, while making for the beach at Staithes, had broached to and filled on the 28th April.

Also 21. to two fishermen of Cromer, for put- ting off in a small boat and saving four other men whose boat had been capsized by a heavy sea off that place on the 4th May.

Another 21. to four men for putting off in a pilot-boat and saving two men from another boat which had been capsized near Drogheda Bar, Ireland, during a gale from the S.S.W. on the 5th May.

Also 3J. 10s. to six men for rushing into the surf and saving two of the crew of the schooner Margaret Jane, of Newry, on the occasion of their boat capsizing while they were endeavouring to reach the land during a gale from the N.W. on the 16th May.

THURSDAY, 7th July: The Chairman of the Institution in the Chair.

Read and approved the minutes of the pre- vious meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub- committees.

Also the Report of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his visits to Whitby, Robin Hood's Bay, Troon, Irvine, Ayr, Ardrossan, Nairn, Fraserburgh, Cruden, Sunderland, Redcar, Salt- burn, Staithes, and Runswick.

Also the Reports of the five District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— 1. North Deal, Kingsdowne, Calmer, Sams- gate, Broadstairs, Kingsgate, and Margate.

2. Abersoch, Porthdinllaen, Portmadoc, Bar- mouth, and Aberdovey.

3. Giles' Quay, Blackrock, Drogheda (two Boats), Duncannon, Tramore, Wexford (two Boats), Carnsore, Cahore, Arklow, Conrtown Rogerstown, and Wicklow.

4. Boulmer, Alnmouth, Cresswell, Newbiggin, Blyth (two Boats), Ayr, Troon, Irvine, and Ardrossan.

5. Skegness, Chapel, Sutton, Donna Nook, Theddlethorpe, and Cleethorpes.

Reported the receipt of a contribution of 10002. from Miss LEICESTER, of Bayswater, to defray the cost of a Life-boat Station, the Boat to be named the Robert and Catherine.

Decided that the best thanks of the Com- mittee be conveyed to Miss LEICESTER for her munificent gift, and that it be appropriated to the new Life-boat about to be sent to Braunton, North Devon, the Boat being named accord- ingly.

Also that the following other Special Contri- butions had beea received by the Institution bince the last meeting:— ' i £. «. d.

The Misses BROOKE, sisters of the late JOHN BROOKE, Esq., Q.C., per JOHN RICHARDSON, Esq., Q.C. 100 0 0 Ditto, in aid of Irish Life-boat Stations, additional .... 100 0 0 Miss ELIZABETH LOUISA CAREW, West Brighton 100 0 0 Battersea Chapel Sunday School Benevolent Society, per Mr. C. SHEPHERD, annual subscription 110 —To 6e severally thanked.

Reported that the following Legacies had been left to the Institution :— £. «. d.

The late Mrs. MARY ANN COBB, of Jersey 1621 15 9 The late C. R. CRADDOCK, Esq., of St. John's Wood (duty free;. 100 0 0 The late J. D. BROWN, Esq., of Lyndon, Rutland .... 10 0 0 Decided that the ne-w Life-boat about to be sent by the Institution to Rye, Sussex, be appropriated to the legacy bequeathed to the Institution by the late JOHN STANFORD, Esq., of Regent's Park, for the purpose of placing and maintaining on the coast a Life-boat to be named the Mary Stanford, as a permanent memorial in honour of his late mother.

Read letter from Capt. BRAINE, Harbour Master at Ramsgate, of the 24th June, stating that he was about to retire from that post, and the Hon. Secretaryship of the Institution at that port.

Decided that the expression of the* best thanks of the Committee be conveyed to Capt. BRAINE, accompanied by a model of the Rams- gate Life-boat, and another testimonial, in re- cognition of his long and most valuable services in connection with the Life-boat work.

Also that the thanks of the Institution be given to J. PATERSON, Esq., and E. HAIN, Jun., Esq., in acknowledgment of their past kind co-operation in the management of the Isle of Arran and St. Ives Branches of the Society.

Paid 3,9832. Se. 4rf. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 202. 16s. to pay the expenses of the Life-boats at Seaham and Lossiemouth, in ren- dering the following services:— Lives Saved.

S.S. Norman, of London 11 Schooner Cavalier, of Lossiemouth ... 5 The Caister No. 2 and Staithes Life-boats had also rendered the following services:— Barque Alecto, of Malta. Remained by vessel.

Fishing-cobles. Rendered assistance.

Voted 131. 8s. 3d. to pay the expenses of the Life-boat at Rye, Sussex, in putting off to the aid of a vessel which did not eventually require her assistance.

Voted 12. to GEORGE CORMACK, son of the master of the fishing lugger Margaret, No. 192, of Wick, for saving one of the crew of that vessel, who had been washed overboard by a heavy sea in the Peutland Firth, during a W. gale on the 7th May.

THURSDAY, 4th August.

The Chairman of the Institution in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the pre- vious Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub- Committees.

Also the Report of the Chief Inspector on his visits to Yarmouth, Gorleston, Hasborough, Bacton, and Mundesley.

Also the Reports of the five District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— 1. Plymouth, Yealm River, Salcombe, Hope Cove, Brixham, Dartmouth, Torquay, Teign- month, Exmouth, Sidmouth, and Lyme Regis.

2. Penarth, Porthcawl, Swansea, Pembrey, Ferryside, Tenby, Milford Haven, St. David's, Solva, Fishguard (two Boats), Cardigan, New- quay, Aberystwith, and Watchet.

3. Greystones, Poolbeg, Kingstown, New- castle, Groomsport, and Ballywalter.

4. Tynemouth (two Boats), Cullercoats, and Hauxley.

5. Sunderland (four Boats), Whitburn, and Seaham.

Reported the receipt of a contribution of 8001.

from Mrs- ELLIS, of Harrogate, for the purpose of placing a Life-boat on the Yorkshire coast, in memory of her late husband, the Rev. ROBERT ELLIS, of North Grimston.

Decided that the thanks of the Committee be presented to Mrs. ELLIS for her munificent gift, and that it be appropriated to the new Life-boat about to be sent to Whitby.

Reported also the receipt of the following other Special Contributions since the last meeting:— £. e. d.

Ancient Order of Foresters, annual subscription in aid of the sup- port of their two Life-boats, per SAMUEL SHAWCROSS, Esq. . . 100 0 0 Worshipful Company of Drapers, annual subscription .... 31 10 0 A. HUTCHINSON, Esq., and the Misses CHARLOTTE and FANNY HUTCHINSON, additional . . 25 0 0 Worshipful Company of Cloth- workers, additional .... 21 0 0 —To be severally thanked.

Also that the following Legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £. «. d.

The late "T. J. M." .... 400 0 0 The late Mr. E. C. McMASTER . 12 10 0 The Committee expressed their deep regret at the decease of Lord HATHERLEY, who had long been a liberal contributor to the funds of the Institution, was one of its Vice-Presidents, and had always taken a warm interest in its welfare.

Voted the thanks of the Committee to M. MURRAY, Esq., and R. S. JAMES, Esq., in ac- knowledgment of their past kind co-operation as Honorary Secretaries, respectively, of the Tees Bay and Porthleven Branches of the Institution.

Reported the transmission to their Stations of the new Life-boats for Newcastle (Dundrum Bay) and Cemaes, Anglesey.

Read letter from Mrs. M. TATE, of Cronstadt, of the 22nd July, stating that her son, Mr. E. P.

TATE, had engraved a portrait of the late Emperor Alexander the Second of Russia, and that he placed the Plate at the disposal of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.—To be accepted, with thanks.

Paid 1,5231. 2s. 6d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 11. 15«. to pay the expenses of the Howth Life-boat in saving a disabled pleasure boat, containing four men,' during a strong gale on the 24th July.

Also 91. to pay the expenses of the Life-boat at Broadstairs in putting off to the aid of the Norwegian barque Christine, which had stranded on the Goodwin Sands, but which did not ultimately require her assistance.

Also 2J. to three men for putting off in a yawl and saving five persons from a boat which had been swamped in Burial Sound, Co. Down, during squally weather on the 13th July.

Also II. to four men for helping to save three boys whose boat had been capsized at Poole, Dorset, during squally weather on the 6th July.

Also II. to three men for putting off in a boat and saving a boy from a boat which had drifted out to sea off Ballygeary, Co. Wexford, during squally weather on the 10th July.