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August and the S.S. Norma

On the following day the gale still continued, and as it was reported that several vessels were ashore along the coast, and that others were in danger, the crews of the Life-boats assembled in readiness for service. At about 10 A.M. the brig August, of Barth, bound from Antwerp to Newcastle, in ballast, was seen to be gradually driving ashore. The No. 1 Life-boat Mincing Lane was accordingly sent to the mouth of the harbour, andthe No. 2 Life-boat was despatched to the beach. The brig missed the harbour's mouth and went ashore about a quarter of a mile north of the Annat Bank. The No. 2 Life-boat was launched with the aid of the numerous spectators, who gallantly assisted in the work despite the waves, which again and again came upon them, completely drenching them, and placing them in some peril. No sooner was the Boat floated off than she was dashed back again, and it was only after the most strenuous efforts had been put forth that she succeeded in getting away, when she rowed towards the brig through a very heavy surf. Meanwhile the No. 1 Life-boat, seeing the danger of the brig, pulled across the Annat Bank in a very dangerous sea, and reached the vessel first, but was driven past her twoor three times, although her veering line was fast to her. The No. 2 Boat then got nearer to the vessel, and, being a lighter boat, the veering line was transferred to her, and she got alongside the brig and rescued the crew, consisting of seven men, and safely landed them, amidst the cheers of the spectators. The brig's masts soon afterwards went overboard, and she broke up entirely within an hour or two.

The Life-boats had scarcely been hauled out of the surf after the performance of the last-named service, when the s.s.

Norma, of Bergen, bound to that port from Newcastle with coal, was seen to be driving ashore, and she eventually stranded about a mile north of Montrose.

She made signals of distress, in response to which the No. 2 Life-boat, which hadbeen taken along the beach, to the spot, the carriage being drawn by ten horses, was again smartly launched through the surf and pulled to the steamer, when she rescued eleven of her crew. Another seaman unfortunately fell into the sea while making his way along the rope to the Boat, and was drowned. The behaviour of the Life-boat on these occasions gave great satisfaction to the crews, and the coxswains stated that they felt sure that the No. 2 Boat could be launched off their shallow beach under the heaviest sea, with sufficient assistance.

A large subscription was raised locally to reward the Life-boatmen for their gallantry and resolution in rendering these services, and the Coastguardmen and others who had also rendered efficient help by the Eocket Apparatus and other means, in saving life from the numerous wrecks on the coast of Aberdeenshire in the month of March last.

The presentation of medals and pecuniary rewards, in addition to the payments awarded by the Institution to the coxswains and crews of the Life-boats, was made on the 14th May at a public meeting held in the Guildhall, Montrose, under the presidency of Provost Japp, and which was very largely attended.

The zealous Hon. Sec. of the Montrose Branch of the Institution, Mr. JAMBS WAEEACK, read to the meeting a summary of the above-mentioned services of the Montrose Life-boats on the 5th and 6th of March, and stated that during an experience of twenty-five years he had not seen more arduous, more hazardous, and more successful Life-boat work than on this occasion. The storm was of unusual violence; the three vessels drove ashore on the long shallow beach, where the sea was breaking in long rollers.

It required all the efforts of the Life-boatmen, aided by numerous spectators, to force the No. 2 Boat afloat, and then there was the great danger of her striking the ground and upsetting, every recurring wave breaking heavily over her. The No. 1 Boat incurred similar danger in dashing across the Annat Bank to the brig August, exposed to a broadside sea.

She was filled by a heavy sea breaking over her, and had a narrow escape of being upset, as she was, in similar circumstances eight years ago, when the half of her crew were washed out of her, andone of them died from the injuries received.

Mr. DAVID DUNCAN, Sen., coxswain of the Life-boat, expressed the grateful acknowledgments of the coxswains and crews of the Life-boats, for the rewards thus bestowed on them. He said that it was a great encouragement to them, and would be a fresh stimulus for them in time to come. They considered that it was the bounden duty of men who bad been trained to a seafaring life to go out and save shipwrecked sailors. It was arduous work; at the same time he desired to say how much the Life-boatmen were inspirited on the occasions in question, by seeing how ready the landsmen were to go into the water, and even risk getting washed away by the sea in their efforts to launch the Life-boats..