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Resolutions Passed at the Annual Meeting for 1881


1.—Moved by the CHAIRMAN :— 1.—That the following Noblemen and Gentlemen be the Officers of the Institution for the current year:—(Vide next page for this list.) 2.—Moved by The Eight Hon. the EARL of SELKIRK.

Seconded by Sir W. T. CHARLEY, Q.C., D.C.L., Common Serjeant of the City of London.

Supported by EDWARD BIRKBECK, Esq., M.P., V.P.

2.—That the Report now read be adopted, printed, and circulated.

3.—Moved by the Eight Hon. the EARL of SHAFTESBURY, K.G.

Seconded by the Eight Hon. W. H.SMITH, M.P., ex-First Lord of the Admi- ralty. / 3.—That this Meeting desires to testify anew its appreciation of the great and national work of the Life-boat Institution, and of the continued success which at- tends its extensive and perilous opera- tions ; and therefore considers that it has, and must continue to have, the strongest claim to the support and sympathy of the Public, particularly when it is remem- bered that the Institution has contributed, since its first establishment, to the saving of more than twenty-seven thousand per- sons from Shipwreck.

4.—Moved by the Eight Hon. the EARL of COURTOWN.

Seconded by the Eight Hon. LORD SUFMELD, K.C.B.

4.—That this Meeting offers its best thanks to THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.B.S., V.P., Chairman; to the Committee of Management, and to the Officers of the Institution, for their continued services and able management of the affairs of the Institution.

Also to the Honorary Local Committees and Secretaries of the several Branches, for their earnest and active co-operation with the parent Institution.

5.—Moved by Admiral Sir RICHARD COL- LINSON, K.C.B., Deputy Master of the Trinity House.

Seconded by Vice-Admiral AUGUSTUS PHILLIMORE, late Admiral Superintendent of Naval Reserves.

Supported by Colonel FITZROY CLAYTON.

5.—That this Meeting acknowledges the brave spirit which continues to ani- mate the Coxswains and Crews of the Life-boats, which was never more con- spicuous than during the storms of October and January last—when they were instrumental in saving two hundred and eighty-seven Lives—being frequently subjected to most severe and prolonged exposure in the performance of their dangerous services

6.—Moved i y Sir EDWARD G. L. PERROTT, Bart., V.P.

Seconded by GEORGE LYALL, Esq., V.P.

6.—That the best thanks of this Meet- ing be given to the Eight Hon. EARL PERCY, M.P., for so ably presiding over this fifty-seventh Annual Meeting of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, and for the kind interest he takes in its welfare.