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The S.S. Ringdove

At about 5 A.M. on the 16th November, in reply to signals of distress, the same Life-boat proceeded to the Middle Scroby Sand, and found the s.s. Ringdove, of Liverpool, ashore there in the midst of the breakers. With great difficulty and risk, the Life-boat succeeded in getting near the vessel, and communication having been effected, some of the shipwrecked men were hauled on board the Life-boat by means of lines, and as the stern of the Life-boat sheered to the ship, others of the crew came down the mizen rigging, and eventually sixteen men were got on board. Only one seaman remained; he was lowering himself down by a rope, when he was unfortunately crushed between the boat and the ship, and perished.

Heavy seas were breaking over the boat and ship all the time. The vessel was on a voyage from Eiga to Newport, Mon..