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The Nautilus

MONTROSE, N.B.—At about 10 A.M., on the 22nd November, a strong E.S.E. wind sprang up, and the sea became very heavy. About thirty of the Ferryden fishing boats had proceeded to sea earlier in the morning, and several of them ran back, some of them losing their lines. At about noon some of the boats were seen to be in considerable danger, and the Life-boat Mincing Lane went out and attended about twenty of them safely over the bar. The last one—the Nautilus —a large decked herring boat, went broadside on to the sea, in a lull, when approaching the bar, and would have been driven on to the rocks and lost, had not the Life-boat got a line from her and towed her clear of the rocks and safely over the bar. She had a crew of six men..