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Schooners Reaper, John Snell and Elizabeth Austin. Fishing Yawl Good Intent

On the 28th October, about noon, a vessel was observed to be fast drifting on Whitby Bocks. She, however, succeeded in clearing the rocks, and was driven with tremendous force on the beach. The wind was then blowing a hurricane from the E.N.E., and the seawas extremely high. The Life-boat Robert Whitworth put off to her assistance, and with great difficulty and danger succeeded in rescuing her crew, consisting of four men. She proved to be the schooner Reaper, of Douglas, bound from Ostend to Sunderland, in ballast.

At 1.30 P.M, a large fishing yawl, the Good Intent, of Staithes, was observed running for Whitby Sands, and as it was evident that she was in great distress, the Life-boat again put off through a fearful sea, and, with great danger and difficulty, saved the crew, consisting of eight men.

At 4.30 F.M. the schooner John Snefl, of Great Yarmouth, bound thence to Newcastle with a cargo of wheat, was also seen to be making for the beach. It wasfeared that she would not succeed in reaching the shore, as the tremendous seas continually swept over her, completely hiding her from view at times.

She fortunately, however, kept her steerage- way, and eventually struck the beach.

The same Life-boat, after being pulled for some distance through the seething mass of broken water, ultimately reached the vessel, and succeeded in landing her crew, consisting of fiTe men.

At 3.15 P.M. the schooner Elizabeth Austin, of Eye, bound thence to Sunderland, in ballast, was seen to be drifting rapidly towards the beach. The second Life-boat at Whitby, the Harriott Forteath, was immediately launched, and, upon the vessel stranding, her crew of five men were with difficulty taken into the Lifeboat and brought safely ashore.

The Second Service Clasp of the Institution was awarded to HENRY FREEMAN, Coxswain of the Life-boats, in acknowledgment of his gallant services in the boats on these four occasions. He had already received the Silver Medal of theInstitution for previous good services in the Life-boats. The crews also received extra rewards for the above-mentioned excellent services..