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Morton Castle


At about 3 A.M., on the 23rd November, the Life-boat Mincing Lane put off to the aid of a schooner which was reported to be showing signals southward of Montrose.

With great difficulty and danger the Lifeboat was forced over the bar, on which the sea was breaking very heavily, and went alongside the vessel. She proved to be the Morton Castle, of Montrose, bound to that port from Sunderland, with coal. She was waiting for a tug, but was in a very perilous position near the rocks, and in much danger of being driven on to them.

The master, on account of the foggy haze, was not aware that he was so near them, and on being informed of his position, all sail was made, and a light breeze from the N.W. springing up, the vessel was enabled to stand off. Had it not been for the Life-boat there is little doubt that the vessel would have gone on the rocks, and that her crew of five men would have been lost..