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Last Year's Wrecks

THE approximate value of vessels of all nation- alities, with their cargoes, lost in all parts of the world during the year 1880, was no less than 68,327,000?., including British property 47,495,000?.

The grand total number of wrecks reported was 1,680, which compared with the total at the end of 1879 shows a decrease of eight. British-owned ships numbered 913, and those of all flags wrecked on the coasts of the British Isles were 480. The registered tonnage aggregated upwards of 900,000 tons, inclusive of 160 steam vessels, mostly owned in the United Kingdom. About 4,000 lives were lost, and about 200 vessels were lost through col- lision. IMmng the week ending 51st December last 34 British and foreign wrecks, of which 14 were British, were reported, the estimated value being 3,100,000?., including British, 1,800,000?..