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LYDD AND NEW ROMNEY, KENT.—On the morning of the 25th November, during a fresh gale from the W.S.W., and a heavy sea, the barque Haab, of Moss, Norway, bound from New York to Rotterdam, with a cargo of grain, grounded on the outer end of the Boar Bank off this part of the coast, and commenced to strike heavily on the sand. After .a time she hoisted a signal of distress, in response to which the Lydd Life-boat David Hulett, and the New Eomney Life-boat Dr. Hatton, promptly proceeded to her assistance.

She was found to be in a leaky state when the Life-boatmen boarded her, but in the course of an hour or so she was got afloat and proceeded to Dover, which, with the help of steam-tugs, was reached in safety, the Life-boats keeping in company in case of accident, and some men of their crews helping at the pumps..