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The S.S. Mabel

BROADSTAIRS.—On the 14th March, in reply to signal guns from the East Goodwin Lightship, at 3.30 A.M., the Samuel Morrison Collins Life-boat proceeded to the Goodwin Sands, and found the ss. Mabel, of Hartlepool, ashore on the eastern part of the Sands. She had a crew of 22 men and 2 passengers, and forty-seven Deal and Broadstairs boatmen were on board rendering assistance, and, as she was in a most dangerous position, the Life-boat remained by her until 3 P.M.

on the 16th, in case her services should be required to save those on board, shouldthe weather become stormy. Fortunately, after throwing overboard 800 tons of cargo (iron ore), she came off the sand at 2 P.M. on the 18th March..