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Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Royal Benevolent Society

THE forty-first anniversary of this ad- mirable society was held at the City Terminus Hotel, Cannon Street, on the 27th May, under the presidency of Admiral Sir ALEXANDER MILNE, G.C.B., Vice- President.

Amongst those present were:—Admirals Fishbourne, C.B., and Boyle; Captains, K.N.: the Hon. Francis Maude, E. Little- aales, Orme Webb, Annesley, and A.

itorrell; Captain Vincent Budd; Messrs.

Scott, Balding, Eames; Eev. Canon Scarth, and a number of ladies.

The Chairman, after a few introductory remarks commending the society, as a national institution, to the support of every British subject, and also, from its- cosmopolitan nature, to the countenance and support of the representatives of foreign Governments, called upon the secretary to read the report, which stated ;hat through the benevolence of the public, and the realisation of several outstanding .egacies, the income of the society for the year ending 31st December, 1879, had argely increased, as also had the calls upon it. The dividends derived from the nvestments are devoted to giving small ual grants to the widows of members, •whilst they have young children, or when ihey themselves are over sixty years of age, but are not sufficient for this purpose AUGUST 2,1880.] THE LIFE-BOAT.

187 by upwards of 5,000?., which has to be provided for out of the general income, these annual grants now amounting to upwards of 7,OOOZ., distributed last year amongst 2,504 widows. Three thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven shipwrecked fishermen and mariners were forwarded to their homes, and 7,906 widows and orphans of those who perished promptly relieved, making a total of 297,677 since the formation of the society in 1839.

Nearly 51,000 sailors show their wish to help themselves by subcribing the small sum of 3s. annually, for which they get additional benefits.

During the past year two silver medals and 101., besides testimonials, had been awarded for saving thirty-four lives on the high seas or abroad, under difficult and dangerous circumstances.

The receipt of various contributions and legacies was thankfully acknowledged, including HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN'S annual subscription of 25Z.

The report was then unanimously adopted, and the claims of the society advocated by several speakers..