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Royal National Life-Boat Institution



Chairman — THOMAS CHAPMAN, ESQ., F.R.S., r.p.

JSlfrtiarg — RICHARD Luwis, of the Inner Temple, Esq., Barrister-at-Law.

Services of the Life-boats of the Institution in 1879.

Adroit, schooner, of Aberystwith 2 Albion, schooner, of Wells—as- sisted to save vessel and 3 Alert, schooner, of Scarborough— assisted to save vessel and .... 2 Allison, brig, of Whitby 4 Alpheus Marshall, barque, of Digby,N.S 14 Ann Wilmot, smack, of Lowestoft 5 Ann, schooner, of Colchester .... 5 Annie, barquentine, of Salcombe. 2 Apollo, schooner, of Bandholm... 5 Arabian, s.e., of Liverpool—re- mained by vessel.

Saroi, B.S., of Newcastle 6 Bertha, schooner, of Stettin, saved vessel and 4 Blyth fishing boat—saved boat and 6 Blyth fishing boats—rendered as- sistance.

Brest, steamer, of Glasgow 40 Chevereul, barque, of Havre 13 Christiania, Norwegian barque.. 12 Cito, brig, of Arendal 1 Cleopas, barque, of South Shields 10 Darlington, s.s., of Stockton .... 9 Diamanten, brig, of Arendal .... 4 Dolphin, lugger, of Wexford .... 5 Edith Owen, steamer, of London. ft Effort, ketch, of Portsmouth 2 Elizabeth, Ellen Fisher, schooner, of Fleetwood 4 Ellen, schooner, of Beaumaris... 3 Elsmore, schooner, of Runcorn .. 3 Esmeralda, smack, of Grimsby, saved vessel and ,.... 5 Excelsior, smack, of Grimsby.... 5 Fanny Bailey, schooner, of Dun- dalk 5 Fishing cobles of Staithes—ren- dered assistance.

Fishing boats and other vessels in distress at Montrose—rendered assistance.

Fishing boats off Scarborough— rendered assistance.

Fraternity, brigantine, of Krage- roe, assisted to save vessel and 6 General Caulfald, barque, of Newcastle 18 Gilded Age, yacht, assisted to save vessel and 3 Guiseppina N., barque, of Genoa IT Hallswell, schooner, of Bridg water —saved vessel.

H. B. Brightman, s.s,—remained by vessel.

Hebe, ship, of Frederickstadt .... 14 Hermann, schooner, of Berwick- saved vessel and crew 6 Hesperus, sloop, of Copenhagen- rendered assistance.

Hester, smack, of Ipswich—saved vessel and 3 Jane and Ann, schooner, of Llanaelhaiarn 3 J. H. Lorentzen, s.s,, of London . 17 John, brig, of Hartlepool—re- mained by vessel.

Lady Land, schooner, of Glasgow 6 Lady LUford, brig, of Ardrossan 6 Lavinia, brig, of Guernsey—as- sisted to save vessel and 8 Leda, ship, of Bremen 19 Levrette, brigantine, of St. Malo— assisted to save vessel.

Liberator, lugger, of Wexford... 1 Lina, barque, of Tonsberg 9 iMugh Sunart, ship, of Glasgow . 55 Margaret, brig, of West Hartlepool —rendered assistance.

Marian, smack 2 Marie, Russian barque—assisted to save vessel and crew 12 Marie, schooner, of Rostock—as- sisted to save vessel.

Martdban, ship, of Greenock.... 11 Mary Lloyd, schooner, of Port- madoc—rendered assistance.

Mary Roberts, schooner, of Nefyn 5 Matin, s.s., of Dundee, remained by vessel.

Menai Packet, smack, of Carnar- von 3 Messenger, brigantine, of Exeter . 3 Mia Madre E., barque, of Genoa. 21 Moidart, B.S., of Glasgow, re- mained by vessel.

Newbiggin fishing-cobles—ren- dered assistance.

Kooit Polmakt, Dutch fishing smack—rendered assistance.

Ocean Queen, schooner, of Ply- mouth—assisted to save vessel and 1 Onward, barque, of London, as- sisted to save vessel and 16 O&prey, barque, of Arendal—as- sisted to save vessel and 16 Pasithea, barque, of Liverpool .. 23 Ponthieu, brig, of Vannes 5 Queen of Britain, brig, of Car- narvon 6 Reliance, coble, of Cnliercoats— rendered assistance.

Richard Wittson, ketch, of London 7 Rival, brig, of Blyth 8 Sarah Ann, barque, of Sunderland 10 Sarah Ann Dickinson, schooner, of Fleetwood 6 Scotscraig, brig, of Duiidee— saved vessel and 9 Sons of the Wear, coble, of Sun- derland 4 Sunshine, schooner, of Wick 11 True, brigantine, of Faversham.. 7 Union T., schooner 7 Violet, smack, of Great Yarmouth —assisted to save vessel and .. 6 Weaver, schooner, of Carnarvon —remained by vessel.

Wellington, schooner, of Carnar- von—assisted to save vessel and 3 Whitby fishing-boats—rendered assistance.

William, dandy, of London 12 Wisdom, cutter, of Sboreham— saved vessel and crew 6 T". Deryon, cutter, of Carmarthen —remained by vessel.

Zephyrus, barque, of Plymouth.. 14 Zurich, barque, of North Shields 16 Total lives saved by Life-boats, In 1879, in addition to Twenty-one vessels 637 During the same period the Insti- tution granted rewards for saving lives by fishing and other boats 218 THE COMMUTES OF MANAGEMENT have to state that during the year 1879, the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION expended £29,764 on its 269 Life-boat Establishments on the coasts of England, Scotland, and Ireland, in addition to having contributed to the saving of 865 persons from various shipwrecks on our coasts, for which services it granted 12 Silver Medals and 13 Votes of Thanks on Vellum, besides pecuniary rewards to the amount of £2,250.

The number of lives saved either by the Life-boats of the Society or by special exertions for which it has granted rewards, since its formation, is 26,906; for which services 93 Gold Medals, 901 Silver Medals, and £59,166 in cash have been granted as rewards.

The Committee desire to acknowledge, with gratitude, the liberal support which they have received from the British public during the past few years, a support which has enabled them to establish their present great Lite- saving fleet of 269 boats on the shores of the United Kingdom. Deeply sensible, however, of the great responsi- bility that rests on them to maintain the Life-boats in a thoroughly efficient state, and their crews practised in the management of the boats, which can only be effected by a large and permanent annual income, they earnestly appeal to all classes of their countrymen to continue to aid them in upholding and perpetuating so great and truly national a work.

The expense of a Life-boat, its equipment, transporting-carriage, and Boat-house, averages £1,030, in addition to £70 a year needed to keep the Establishment in a state of efficiency.

Donations and Annual Subscriptions will be thankfully received by the Bankers of the Institution, Messrs.

Coons AHI Co., 50 Strand; Messrs. HURRIES, FARQUHAR, AND Co., 16 St James's Street; Messrs. HOARK, 3) Fleet Street, London; by all the other Bankers in the United Kingdom ; by all the Life-boat Branches; and by the Secretary, at the Institution, 14 JOHN STREET, ADELFHI, London,W.C.—August 1880..