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A Ship

BALLYW ALTER, Go. DOWN.—On the 11tb.

March, at midnight, signals of distress were shown from a ship ashore on the Long Bock opposite Ballywalter, and in response thereto the Life-boat Admiral Henry Meynett was promptly launched and proceeded to the spot; but the night being very dark, with a gale blowing from the S.E., and a heavy sea running on the rocks, upon which there was not much water, the Boat was compelled to wait for daybreak before going alongside the stranded vessel. During the time of waiting the tide fell, which rendered the task somewhat easier. The night was a very severe one, with tremendous rain squalls, to which the Life-boat men were exposed for about six hours. However, they at last had the satisfaction to save the shipwrecked crew of 5 men, arriving back with them at Ballywalter at about 7 A.M.

The thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, were voted to the Bev. J.

O'EEILLY BLACKWOOD, Hon. Sec. of the Ballywalter Branch, who went out in the Life-boat on this occasion, and an extra reward was granted to the crew of the Boat..