The rule of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT IN- STITUTION for the distribution of Salvage payments to the Life-boat men when they have saved vessels with their crews on board, having been at some places misunderstood, the Committee refer the several Honorary Secretaries to the last clause of the Circular on the salvage of property by Life-boats, May 1872, as follows :— "In those cases when vessels and their crews " are saved by the Life-boats, and when the " salvage payments made by the owners are less " in amount than the usual award of the Institu- " tion for saving lives, the Institution will make " up the deficiency to the Life-boat men."—See Coxswain's Book of Instructions, p. 17.
It should be distinctly understood that it is optional to the Coxswain and Crew of a Life-boat, on boarding a wrecked vessel, to endeavour to save the vessel, as well as her crew, when practicable, or not to do so.
In the event, however, of their success in saving the vessel or cargo, and being thereby entitled to salvage payment, the Life-boat men will consider that the service has as- sumed a distinct character, and that they must look solely to the owners of the pro- perty to pay all expenses, including those for launching the Life-boat, subject to the pro- viso in the clause above quoted.
All claims on the Owners of Vessels for saving their property to be made in their own names, by the Coxswains and Crews of Life- boats, to whom the Life-boats are lent for such service, and on no account in the name of the Institution.
By order of the Committee.