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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

THURSDAY, 2nd October, 1879: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., Chairman of the Institution, in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Also the Report of Rear-Admiral J. R. WARD, the Chief Inspector, on his recent visit to Walton- on-the-Naze, and those of the District Inspectors of Life-boats, on their visits to the, following Life-boat Stations:— No. 1 District. Capt. the Hon. H. W. CHET- WYND, R.N., London—Walton-on-the-Naze.

No. 2 District. Commander C. LAPRIMAUDAYE, R.N., Bristol—Bull Bay, Cemaes, Cemlyn, Holy- head, Rhoscolyn, Rhosneigir, Llanddwyn, Aber- soch, Porthdinllaen, Portmadoc, Penarth, Porth- cawl, Swansea, Ferryside and Pembrey.

No. 3 District. Lieut. H. T. G. TIPPING, R.N., Dublin—Arklow, Courtown, Cahore, Wexf ord (two Life-boats), Carnsore, Duncannon, Tramore, Dun- garvan, Ardmore, Youghal,, Ballycotton, Queens- town and Courtmacsherry.

No. 4 District. Lieut. H. A. MONTEITH, R.N., Edinburgh—Eyemouth, Dunbar, North Berwick, Tynemouth (two Boats), Cullercoats, Blyth (two Boats), Newbiggin, Cresswell, Alnmouth and Boulmer.

No. 5 District. Commander ST. VINCENT NE- PEAN, R.N., Hull — Kessingland (two Boats), Southwold (two Boats), Dunwich, Aldborough, Thorpe, Clacton-on-Sea, Whitburn, Sunderland (four Boats), Seaham and Hartlepool.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last Meeting:— £. s. d.

tfiss VERNON WENTWORTH, Wentworth Castle, additional 50 0 0 J. D. TAYLOR, Esq., Groveland, additional 20 0 0 Offertory in Harby Church, per Rev. M. O. NORMAN, additional ... 100 —To Tie severally thanked.

The Committee expressed their sorrow at the announcement of the deaths of Sir ROWLAND HILL, K.C.B.. and Mr. HENRY NEGRETTI, who had for many years taken great interest in the welfare of the Life-boat cause.

Voted the thanks of the Committee to J. E. FISHER, Esq., and G. KER HODSON, Esq.,, in acknowledgment of their past kind co-operation as the Honorary Secretaries, respectively, of the Cleethorpes and Hornsea Branches of the Institution.

Reported the transmission to her Station of the new Life-boat for Fleetwood, and the return of the old Boat to London.

Paid 2,545Z. 9s. 6d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 371. 13s. to pay the expenses of the Life- boats at Cadgwith, Cardigan, Blyth, and New- biggin, in rendering the following services:— Livea saved.

Steamer Brest, of Glasgow 40 Schooner Ellen, of Beaumaris 8 Fishing-coble Sons of the Wear, of Sunderland 4 Fishing-boat at Blyth, saved boat and . . 6 Other fishing-boats at Blyth. Rendered as- sistance.

Schooner Union T. 7 The Newbiggin Life-boat had also rendered assistance to several fishing-boats.

(The details of these services will be found on pages 7 and 10.) Voted also 99J. 3*. to pay the expenses of the Kingstown, Brighstone Grange, Flamborongh, Clacton-on-Sea, Howth, Harwich, and Peterhead life-boats in assembling their crews, or putting oS in reply to signals of distress shown by vessels not ultimately needing the aid of the Boats.

The Ramsgate Lif e-bpat had also beenlaunched twice to the aid of distressed vessels, but her services had no't been eventually required.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, and a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to Miss ELLEN FRANCES PBIDEAUX BRUNE, Miss GER- TRUDE ROSE PRIDEAUX BRUNE, Miss MARY KATHERINE PRIDEAUX BRUNE, Miss BEATRICE MAY PRIDEAUX BRUNE, and Miss NORA O'SHAUGHNESSY, in acknowledgment of their intrepid and prompt services in proceeding, through a heavy surf, in their rowing-boat and saving, at considerable risk of life, a sailor from a boat which had heen capsized by a squall oi wind off Bray Hill, Padstow Harbour, Cornwall, on the 9th August. When the accident occurred, the ladies' boat was being towed astern of a fishing-boat, and Miss ELLEN PRIDEAUX BRUNE, with great gallantry and determination, asked to be cast off; and, with her companions, she proceeded with all possible despatch to the rescue of the drowning sailor. All the ladies showed great courage, presence of mind, and marked ability in the management of their small boat. They ran great risk in getting the man into it, on account of the strong tide and saa on at the time.

Yoted also the thanks oi the Institution to the Hon. J. G. P. VEKEKER, and to SAMUEL BATE, late coxswain of the Institution's Padstow Life- boat, who were also instrumental in saving a boy who had been thrown out of the same boat.

Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to GEORGE REYNOLDS, Commissioned Boatman of H.M. Coastguard, at Good wick, Pembrokeshire, and 11. each to 3 other men, for putting off in a Coastguard boat, at very great risk (their boat being filled twice by the heavy seas before getting to the vessel), and saving the crew of 3 men from the smack Jane and Margaret, of New- port, Pembrokeshire, which had been driven on the rocks while attempting to make Newport harbour during a fresh N.N.W. gale on the night of the 16th August.

Also the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to the Rev. P. VYVYAN ROBINSON, and 25£ to 41 fishermen and Coastguardmen at Cadgwith and the Lizard, Cornwall, for putting off and saving at some risk 69 persons from the steamer Brest, of Glasgow, which was wrecked between Cadgwith and the Lizard, during a fog, on the 6th September.

Also SI to three persons for putting off in a boat and rescuing two other persons who, -while crossing the ford at Inny river, co. Kerry, with a horse and cart between two and three o'clock on the morning of the 24th June, had been carried away towards the sea, the river being at the time in a swollen state through heavy rain.

THURSDAY, 6th November: The Chairman of the Institution in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committee.

It was resolved That H.R.H. REAR-ADMIRAL THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH, K.G., be respectfully invited to become a Member of the Committee of Management of the Institution in his capacity of Admiral Superintendent of Naval Reserves.

Read and approved the Report of the Chief Inspector, on his visits to the following places :— Southend, Dublin, Greystones, Kingstown, Poolbeg, Howth, Rogerstown, Drogheda, Dundalk, Giles' Quay, and Fleetwood.

Also the Reports of the District Inspectors on their recent visit to the under-mentioned Life-boat Stations:— 1. Newhaven, Eastbourne, Hastings, Rye, Winchelsea, Lydd, New Romney, and Hythe.

2. Pembrey, Tenby, Milford, Solva, St. David's, Fishguard, Cardigan, Newquay, Aberystwith, Aberdovey, Mumbles, and Porthcawl.

3. Valentia, Tralee, Skerries, Dundalk, and Grey- stones.

4. Hauxley, North Sunderland, Holy Island (two Life-boats), Berwick-on-Tweed, Dunbar, Stromness, Longhope, and Thurso.

5. Hartlepool (three Boats), West Hartlepool (two Boats), Seaton Carew, Middlesborough, Red- car, Saltburn, Staithes, Runswick, Upgang, Whitby (two Boats), Scarborough, Filey, Flamborough (two Boats), Bridlington, Withernsea, Hornsea, Cleethorpes, and Donna Nook.

Reported that a Lady had presented 750?. to the Institution for the purpose of placing a Life-boat on the coast. A mutual promise had been made by her husband and herself that the survivor should give during lifetime, or by will, a Life-boat to the Institution. Her husband having preceded her in death, she had decided to carry out in her lifetime their agreement. The Life-boat to be named the Margaret and Edward.

Decided that the benevolent Donor be thanked, and that her Life-boat be sent to Runswick, on the | coast of Yorkshire.

Reported the receipt of the following other special contributions since the last meeting:— £. «. d.

Miss ANN MARIA HOOPEK, of Bristol, for a Life-boat to be named the Hooper, per G. J. HUTCHINS, Esq., of Clifton 500 0 0 The "Oliver Goldsmith" Life-boat Fund, per General TULLOH and Miss GOLDSMITH TDLLOH, on account . 319 10 3 Miss BARKWORTH, Tunbridge Wells, additional 50 0 0 The Countess of SANDWICH, additional 25 0 0 Mrs. A. GOMONDE, Pau, additional . 20 0 0 Miss ENGLISH and Officers and Chil- dren of Licensed Victuallers' School, in aid of support of the Licensed Victualler Lire-boat, additional . 440 —To be severally thanked.

Reported that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £ s. d, The late Miss SARAH WOODWARD, of Oldham Place, Farringdon Road . 2000 0 0 The late ROBEBT ALLAN, Esq., of Glenhouse, N.B. (duty free) ... 500 0 0 The late Mrs. MAKGARET ADOLPHE, of Dublin 42 14 2 Paid 2,780/. lls. 6 f. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 3U. 6s. to pay the expenses of the St. David's, Queenstown, and Wexford Life-boats, in rendering tie following services:— Lives saved.

Brigantine Messenger, of Exeter .... 3 Yacht Gilded Age, assisted to save vessel and 3 Lugger Liberator, of Wexford 1 The Bull Bay and Cemlyn Life-boats had gone to the assistance of the s.s. Arabian, of Liverpool, and schooner Ballswell, of Bridgwater.

(The details of most of these services will be found on pages 10-12.)

Voted also 62Z. 18s. to pay the expenses of the Life-boats at Carnsore, Wexford, Portadinllaen, Wells, Maryport, Rhyl, Mullion, and Arklow, in assembling their crews or putting off with the view of assisting vessels which did not ultimately need the aid of the boats.

Also 61. to 6 men for putting off in a Coastguard boat from Ballydavid, Ireland, and, at some risk, saving 6 persons from the yacht Vesta, of Queens- town, which had parted one of her cables, and was in a dangerous position off Smerwick, co. Kerry, during a N.N.W. gale, on the 25th August.

Also 51. to 7 men and 2 boys for putting off in a boat and saving 7 of the crew of the barque Jtth'e, of Drammen, which had struck on a rock on the west side of Fair Isle, Shetland, and sank, during a dense fog, on the 15th August.

Also 41. to 4 men for putting off in a boat and saving, at considerable risk, in a rough sea, 3 per- sons who had taken refuge on a small island called Beoster, Shetland, their boat having struck upon a rock, and been totally wrecked during hazy weather on the 25th September.

Also SI. to 3 men for putting off in a boat and rescuing, at some risk, 2 other men from a boat which had been capsized off Harwich, in a heavy sea, on the 5th September.

Also 11.10s. to 3 men for putting off in a boat, during a gale of wind from the N.N.E., and saving 8 of the crew of the ketch Notre Dame, of Boulogne, which had stranded on the East Sands, off Blakeney, on the Norfolk Coast, on the 14th October.

Also 11.10s. to 3 men for putting off in a boat and saving the crew of 2 men from the flat Sarah, of Carnarvon, which was totally wrecked off Rhyl, North Wales, during a strong N.W. wind and heavy sea on the 17th October, THURSDAY, 4th December : The Chairman of the Institution in the Chair.

Bead and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Also the Report of the Chief Inspector, on his recent visits to Southend and Walton-on-the-Naze; also those of the five District Inspectors of Life- boats on their visits to the following Life-boat Stations:— 1. Margate, Kingsgate, Broadstairs, Ramsgate, North Deal, Kingsdown, and Walmer.

2. Looe, Fowey, Mevagissey, Falmouth, Mullion, Cadgwith, Porthoustock, Porthleven, Penzance, Sennen Cove, Scilly, St. Ives, Hayle, Newquay, Padstow, Port Isaac, Portloe, and Lizard.

3. New Brighton (two Life-boats), Sonthport, Lytham, Blackpool, Piel, Whitehaven, Seascale, Maryport, Silloth, Ramsey, Douglas (two Boats), Castletown, and Fleetwood.

4. Huna, Ackergill, Nairn, Lossiemouth, Buckie, Banff, Whitelink Bay, Fraserburgh, Peterhead, Cruden, and Newburgh.

5. Theddlethorpe, Sutton, Chapel, Skegness, Hunstanton, Brancaster, Wells, Blakeney, Sher- ingham, Cromer, Mundesley, Bacton, Hasborough, Palling (two Boats), Winterton, Caister (two Boats), Gorleston, Yarmouth (two Boats), Lowes- toft (two Boats), Corton, Pakefield (two Boats), Kessingland (two Boats), Southwold (two Boats), and Dunwich.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last Meeting:— £. s. d.

Miss MARIA OXSLOW, of St. Neot's, for a Life-boat to be named the " Denzil and Maria Onslow" . . 600 0 0 Independent Order of Oddfellows £,. s. d.

(Manchester llnity), in aid of the support of their Life-boat at Clee-thorpes, annual subscription . . 50 0 0 Admiral WHISH 25 0 0 Rev; G. M. GORHAM and Rev. J.

HOLMES, Executors of the late ALICIA HARVEY, of Bridlington Quay 2000 Proceeds of an Entertainment at Wol- verhampton, per THOS. SKIDMORE, Esq. 500 Contents of Contribution Box on board the s.s. California, per Captain DONALDSON ....... 4 10 3 Portion of Harvest Thankoffering at Chiltern Parish Church, Sudbury, on 2nd November, per Rev. HER- BEBT SMITH 150 Young Men's Christian Union of Upper Holloway Chapel, per Mr. P. TEEET, Jun 0 10 0 —To be severally thanked.

Reported that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— £. s. d.

The late Mrs. H. K. HOLME SUMNER, of Swaffiham (duty-free) .... 100 0 0 The late Mrs. HARRIET KIKKPATRICK, of Sutton (duty-free). .... 100 0 0 Decided that a new edition of the Life-boat Regulations in a modified and re-arranged form, with marginal notes, be issued to the Branches of the Institution, with the view of making them as clear as possible to the Coxswains and Crews of the Life-boats.

Also that the best thanks of the Committee be presented to Vice-Admiral AUGUSTUS PHILLIMORE, late Admiral Superintendent of Naval Reserves, in acknowledgment of his cordial and valuable co- operation with the Institution while holding that office.

Also to T. G. JONES, Esq., Collector of H.M.

Customs at Belfast, for his kind and untiring ser- vices in collecting for many years past contributions from seamen at the Belfast, Newport (Mon- mouth) and West Hartlepool Custom Houses, in aid of the Funds of the Institution.

The Committee expressed their deep regret at the lamented death of Mr. Serjeant Cox and Mr. DELANE, both of whom took considerable interest in the welfare of the Institution, and who were always ready to promote its great and national objects, through the medium of the Field and The Times.

Paid 3,9371.18s. 9d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 541. 16s. to pay the expenses of the Porthdinllaen, Scarborough, Ballywalter, and Gorleston Life-boats, in rendering the following services :— Lives saved.

5 2 Schooner Mary Roberts, of Nefyn Schooner Alert, of Scarborough Scotch fishing-boats in distress off Scar borough. Rendered assistance.

Schooner Lady Land, of Glasgow ... 6 Smack Ann Wilmot, of Lowestoft ... 5 The Ramsgate, Porthdinllaen, Caister, Scar- borough, Gorleston, and Cromer Life-boats, had also rendered the following services: Schooner Albion, of Wells, assisted to save vessel and 3 men; barque Osprey, of Arendal, assisted to save vessel and 16 ; smack JUenai Packet, of Carnarvon, 3 lives saved and rendered assistance to vessel; brig Lavinia, of Guernsey, assisted to save vessel and 8; smack Hester, of Ipswich, assisted to save vessel and 3; smack Viola, of Yarmouth, assisted to save vessel and 6; s.s. Moidart, of Glasgow, remained by vessel.

Reported that the Cullercoats Life-boat had rendered assistance to the distressed coble Reliance, of Cullercoats.

Also that the Ramsgate Life-boat had put off to the aid of a distressed vessel, but that her services were not eventually required.

(The particulars of most of these services will be found on pp. 8-12.) Voted also 123?. 3s. 2d. to pay the expenses of the Life-boats at Walmer, Donna Nook, North Sunderland, Great Yarmouth, Withemsea, Kingsdowne, Deal, and Southend (Essex), in assembling their crews or putting off with the view of rendering assistance to vessels not ultimately needing their aid.

Also the Silver Medal of the Institution to Mr. GEORGE MARKWELL, formerly Coxswain of the Holy Island Life-boat, in acknowledgment; of his generally valuable and brave services in saving many lives from shipwreck.

Also II. 10*. to 4 men for putting off in a boat and saving 2 men from a boat which had been struck by a sudden squall and capsized in Poole Harbour, Dorset, on the 20th October.

THURSDAY, 4th December.

A Special General Meeting of the Governors of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION was held this day at its House, John Street, Adelphi— THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., Chair- man of the Institution, in the Chair.

The Chairman having stated the object for which this Special General Meeting of the Governors of the Institution had been convened, the Secretary read the advertisement convening the meeting.

Read letter from Colonel the Hon. W. J. COLVILLE, of the 18th November, stating that H.R.H. the DUKE OF EDINBURGH would have much pleasure to become, in his official capacity of Admiral Superintendent of Naval Reserves, a Member of the Committee of Management of the Institution.

It was resolved unanimously— That H.R.H. the DUKE of EDINBURGH, Admiral Superintendent of Naval Reserves, be elected a Member of the Committee of Management of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.

A cordial vote of thanks to the Chairman closed the proceedings.

CIVIL SERVICE LIFE-BOAT FUND.—The annual meeting of the Committee of this Fund was held on the 9th January at the General Post-office, and was presided over by Mr. W. H. HAINES, of the House of Lords. The report for the past year was lead by the Hon. Secretary, Mr. CHARLES DIBDIN, F.R.G.S., of the General Post-office, and showed that, notwithstanding the numerous reorganisations which had lately taken place in the Civil Service, the number of subscribers had increased from 3,787 to 3,842, and that, in addition to the usual annual subscription of 150Z. paid by the Fund to the Royal National Institution for the maintenance of the three boats, Civil Service No. 1, Charles Dibdin, and Civil Service JVb. 3, the sum of 1,0001. had been handed to that Society for the endowment of the Boat, Civil Service No. 1.

The Life-boats of the Fund have up to the present time attended 23 wrecks, and saved 127 lives and 3 vessels.


1 Inasmuch as ye did it unto one of the least of these, ye did it unto Me.' THE Life-boat went out at the break of the morning, Though few then dared hope to behold her once more.

The storm-signal raised on the staff gave dire warning; The boats, all save one, were hauled high on the shore; For not even the grey-headed sires can recall Such tempest of thunder, of snow, hail and rain: But the crew who launched forth were the bravest of all.

The men of the Life-boat are ne'er sought in vain.

Through long, tedious hours, impatient, they waited The bell that would call them to start from the strand; At length when it sounded they rushed there elated, While guns of distress -were still heard far off land.

Through long anxious hours, though toil-worn and weary, They valiantly fight 'gainst the gale and the foam; Their gaze only fixed on the distance so dreary; No murmur is heard, or a wish turned to home.

Aloft in the air a bright rocket is soaring; A line is thrown vainly . . and vainly again; (Some eagerly watching, some wildly imploring) Another ascends . . and now . . not in vain I The shipwrecked are safe. ' The Centurion' returning, Each soul is rejoicing to steer for the shore: But what mean these words, and strange looks bent with yearning ? The spot they are leaving all eyes seek once more.

In soft southern accents, with gestures beseeching, A fond prayer is breathed, thrilling hearts warm and kind, For a boy on the wreck, his clasped hands out- reaching ; Till now fast asleep! Can they leave him behind? No! risking all lives, yet again, slowly nearing The ship, that is vanishing down in the sand, The danger is braved, 'mid an outburst of cheering; The sailor-lad saved: and hurrah! for the land.

Thus the Life-boat came home, with her laurel- wreath won; And a true tale is told, of a gallant deed done.



The next number of the 'Life-loot Journal' will be published on the 1st May next.

Vol. X., price 18«., of the 'Life-boat Journal' is now ready, and can be had at the Institution, or by oj$et of any bookseller. The Title-page and Index of that Volume can also be obtained separately.