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Alert and Hester

SCARBOROUGH.—On the 12th November, at about 8 A.M., signals of distress were seen to be shown by a schooner at anchor in the Bay during a very strong N. gale.

The Life-boat -Lady Leigh was immediately launched and proceeded to the vessel, which proved to be the Alert, of Scarborough, which had left that port on the previous day in ballast to proceed to the North for coals. Her crew, consisting of 2 men, were very anxious to be taken off, and with considerable difficulty, as the tide was low, and the waves were very high, they were taken into the Life-boat and brought safely ashore.

After landing these men, the smack Hester, of Ipswich, was seen to be in extreme peril riding amongst the breakers, with a signal of distress flying. The Life-boat at once proceeded to her assistance, and having placed 2 men on board, managed to get two warps from the pier, and attached them to her, by which means she was then hauled into the harbour with assistance from those on the pier.

The Life-boat afterwards went out a third time and proceeded again to the Alert, in tow of a steam-tug. The gale had by that time somewhat abated, and 2 of the Life-boatmen having been put on board, the anchor was slipped, and she was safely towed into harbour..