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The S.S. Edith Owen

CEMLYN AND CEMAES, ANGLESEY.—On the 27th January, the s.s. Edith Owen, of London, bound from Bristol to Liverpool with a general cargo, struck on the Coal Kock, off the coast of Anglesey, during foggy weather, the wind blowing moderately from the E. at the time. Signals of distress being exhibited from the steamer, the Cemlyn Life-boat Good Shepherd, the Cemaes Life-boat Ashtonian, and a steamtug, proceeded to her assistance. The passengers, 5 in number, were taken into the Cemaes Boat and landed at that Lifeboat station. The Cemlyn Boat remained some time by the steamer while the tug attempted to tow her off. Eventually the Life-boat returned ashore at about midnight, and soon after she had gone, the vessel's crew left in their own boats.

The steamer eventually became a total wreck..