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Shore-Boat Services Rewarded In 1878

Jan. 3.—Voted II. !0s. to 3 men of Lerwick, N.B., who rescued 3 persons from the smack Teazer, of Sandsair, Shetland, which had been caught by a squall, and had sunk off Bressay, Shetland, on the 31st October.

Also 41. to 4 men of South Ronaldshay, Orkney, for saving, by means of ropes, 6 of the crew of the brigantine Agnes, of Fraserburgh, which was wrecked on Castle Book, Sandwick Bay, during a storm from the W. on the 16th November.

Also 31. to 5 pilots for putting off in their boat from Porthcawl, Glamorganshire, and, at great risk, transferring to the s.s. Velindra 9 of the crew of the barque Johann, of Snndsvall, which had stranded on Scarweather Sands, during a strong W.S.W. wind, on the 6th December.

Also 51. to the crew of the lugger Champion, of Ramsgate, for saving 5 of the crew of the barque Hannah Ratlikens, of Rostock, which vessel had gone ashore on. the Goodwin Sands on the 13th December.

Feb. 7,—Voted the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, to Mr. FLETCHER, Master of the steam-tug Hotspur, together with flf. to the steamer's crew, in acknowledgment of their ser- vices on the occasion of the wreck of the Nor- wegian brig Hilding, at Magilligan Strand, Co.

Londonderry, on the 25th January. The thanks, inscribed on vellum, were also voted to Mr. JAMES JlcCANDtES?, and 61. to 6 men who put off with him in a shore-boat and saved 4 of the ship- wrecked men. The thanks on vellum were also voted to Mr. SAMUEL McCAimtESS, for his praise- worthy services on the occasion of the wreck, and especially for wading into the surf and saving 2 of the shipwrecked crew. The thanks of the ! Institution and 2Z. were also voted to Mrs. SHER- ! RARD, who had rendered great assistance to the I rescued men.

I The thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, and '21. each were also voted to Messrs.

j OWEN ROBERT?, ROBERT ROBERTS, and JOBS i WILLIAMS, in acknowledgment of their highly ] meritorious conduct in descending some pre- cipitous cliffs and saving, by means of ropes, 9 ! of the crew of the steamer Pioneer, of Dublin, which vessel had been totally wrecked on Puffin Island during a heavy gale from the N. on the j 25th January; I/. 10s. was also granted to 2 other men who rendered assistance on the occasion.

• Also Wl. to 7 men for putting off in a coble from Blyth, Northumberland, and saving 13 men, ! comprising the crew of the s.s. Jyttand, of Hor- 1 sens, Denmark, which was wrecked on Seaton I Sea Rocks, during stormy weather, on the 30th December.

Feb. 15. —Two men belonging to Rossmuck, Co.

Galway, rescued one man from a hooker which had been capsized by a squall in Kilkierran Bay, Ireland.—Reward, 21.

March 24.—Four men at Sutton, on the coast of Lincolnshire, put off in a shore-boat and rescued the crew of 3 men from the sloop Mercy, of Yar- | mouth, which was wrecked off Sutton during a i strong N.N.E. gale—Reward, l.

April 1.—Eighteen men put off in a boat from Blakeney, Norfolk, and saved the crew of 4 men from the smack Eulalie, of Colchester, which had stranded while beating into Blakeney harbour, daring a strong N.W. wind.—Reward, 57.

April 19.—Six men put off in a coble, and saved the crew, consisting of 8 men, of the brig Cham-pion, of Shoreham, which was wrecked near Robin Hood's Bay during a thick fog.— Reward, 31.

May 2.—Two men rescued a man who had fallen overboard from his boat while it was in tow of the brigantine A/cido, oft" the Scilly Islands, during a fresh wind.—Reward, II.

May 7.—A Coastguard boatman at Salcombe, Devon, assisted to rescue 3 men from a Coast- guard galley which had been capsized on Salcombe Bar, in a heavy sea.—Keward, II.

May 9.—The Coxswain of the Gorleston Life- boat and several other men put off in a small yawl and rescued, at some risk of life, the crew of 8 men from the brig Sisters, of South Shields, which was wrecked on Corion Sand during an easterly wind. —Reward, 16/.

May 13.—Two men put off from the fishing- smack Eagle, in a small boat, and saved 1 of the crew of the schooner Rn-eresco, of Wisbech, which grounded on the bar at the entrance to Yealm River in a heavy sea.— Reward, 2i.

June 6.—Voted 2/. to 3 men for rescuing the crew of 2 persons from the fishing-boat Swan, of Porthleven, which had been caught in a sudden gnle from the W. and driven on Loe Bar on the 24th November last.

June 6.—Seven men put off in two boats, and rescued 5 persons from a boat which had been capsized off Bellville, Co. Kerry, during squally weather.—Keward, 3/. 10s.

June 20.—A boatman of Ilfracombe jumped into the sea from Ilfracombe Old Pier, and saved a boy who had fallen into the water.—Keward, I/.

July 3.—Three men rescued, at some risk, 6 persons from a small boat of Newtownard, which had been capsized off Portavogie, Co. Down, while returning from Bangor Regatta.—Reward, 31.

July 3.—Six men rescued 3 persons from a boat which had been capsized off Clerk's Point, near Teignmouth, Devon, during a moderate N.W.

breeze.—Reward, 31.

July 13.—Eight men put off in a boat, and rescued 3 persons from a pleasure boat which had been capsized off Khyl, North Wales, in a strong H.N.'W. wind and heavy sea.—Reward, 41.

Aug. 11.—Seven men put off in a boat, and saved 1 of 2 men whose boat had been capsized by a heavy squall in Mulroy Bay, Co. Donegal.—'• Reward, 5/.

Sept. 14.—Two men saved 3 persons from the boat Victoria Nyinza, of Teignmouth, which had been capsized off that place on the 14th Sep- tember.— Reward, 3/.

Sept. 15.—Five men put off in a boat from Tenby, during a whole gale from the S.W., with the view of saving the crews 6f two vessels, the Ella Vale, of Cork, and Minerva, of Belfast, which had been in collision in Caldy Roads, and were in a sinking condition.—Reward, 51.

Sept. 17.—Six Coastguard men at Mulroy, Co.

Donegal, put off in their Lite-boat, and saved the crew of 3 men from the schooner St'ir of the Sea, of PrfSton, wrecked at Downings, Co. Donegal, during a strong W.N/W. gale and heavy sea.— I Reward, 6/.

I Sept. 20.—Eight men put off in a boat from i Palling, Norfolk, and saved the crew of 8 men, I and the master's wife and child, from the barque Blue Ware, of Blyth, which had stranded off j Palling during a N.W. gale.—Reward, 41.

Sept. 22.—The crew of a Gorleston private Life- boat saved the crew of 4 men from the schooner William, of Hastings, which had stranded on the j North Sands, off Gorleston, during a strong S.W.

wind and a heavy sea.—Reward, Wl.

Oct. 3.—Voted also an additional sum of 57. to a man who had rendered gallant service in saving life on the occasion of the wreck of the fishing- hoat Swan, at Porthleven, Cornwall, on the 24th November lust, and who had suffered from illness ! caused by exposure incurred in performing the service.

Oct. 7.—Three men put off in a boat, and paved 2" young women whose boat had been capsized { between the islands of Trondra and Papa, Shetland, during a strong S.E. wind and squally weather.— Reward 21.

Oct. 24.—Thirteen Gorleston men put off in the salvage Life-boat ReJ'uge, and saved the crew of 6 men from the brig Fuchsia, of Sundcrland, which had stranded on Scroby Sand during a gale from S.W Reward, 10/.

Nov. 11.—Mr. JAMES BAKER, Chief Officer of H.M. Coastguard at Youghal, Ireland, and his crew of 5 men, put off in the Coastguard Life-boat, and saved the crew of 5 men from the cutter Kingfisher, of Youghal, which was dismasted off that port during a fresh gale and a heavy sea.— Reward, 31. 10s.

Nov. 12.—Seven men put off in a fishing-boat from Thurso, N.B., and saved the crews, number- ing in all 11 men, from the schooners Antelnpe, of Carnarvon; Goivrie, of Perth; and Mury Alice, of Liverpool which were in imminent danger in the roadstead during a N.E. gale.—Reward, 71.

Dec. 5.—Voted 10?. towards a local subscription for the relief of the widows and families of EDWARD BASSETT and two of his sons, who were drowned on the occasion of the wreck of their fishing-boat, Jabez, on the rocks near St. Ives, Cornwall, during a hurricane, on the 1'ith Novem- ber. E. BASSETT was one of the St. Ives Life- boat crew, and had been out in that Boat on service on many occasions.

The following is a copy of a Handbill circulated on the Coasts of the United Kingdom by the Institution, for the purpose of informing Boatmen and others that it encourages laudable exertions to save Life from Shipwrecks: — TO BOATMEN AND OTHERS.

To encourage prompt and energetic exertions in time of Danger on the part of Boatmen and Others, by quickly putting off to save Life in CASES of WRECKS on the Coasts of the British Isles, either by SHORE-BOATS OF OTHER MEANS, |EcmaI Jfrrstrtetimi Reward's of Money or Medals. In all cases the Rewards are given without further delay than is necessary to obtain proof of the merits of each case, and to insure their being paid to the right parties.

Application to be made to the Secretary. By Order of the Committee.