Sea Flower
On the afternoon of the 15th, the gale then blowing very heavily, accompanied by squalls of rain, a vessel was seen driftii; g towards the shore at Donna Nook, which soon afterwards struck on the Hale Sand. The alarm was given at the Lifeboat Station of the Institution, and the Boat was quickly got out, but before she could be launched, the vessel fortunately drifted off the sand, and by skilful manoeuvring she rounded the west end of the bank and got away to sea in safety, having narrowly escaped shipwreck. A few hours afterwards, the gale having by no means moderated, signal lights of distress were shown from a vessel in the direction of Tetney Haven, and the Lifeboat was again got ready ; but as it was ascertained that, on account of the vast body of water in Grainthorpe Haven, she could not be got across there, rocket signals were made to the next Life-boat Station at Cleethorpes, requiring the services of their Boat. That Life-boat is named the Manchester Unity, she having been presented to the Institution by the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (Manchester Unity). She promptly proceeded out when the signals of distress were observed, and had to encounter a heavy gale from the N. and a very bad sea ; however, the crew persevered, and found the brigantine Sea Flower, of Seaham, stranded off Grainthorpe. The greatest danger was incurred in rescuing the shipwrecked men, and the Life-boat received some injury by the ship's boat being washed on to her from the deck of the vessel by the heavy seas. The anchor and cable had to be slipped, and several oars and rowing crutches were broken. However, the men did not themselves receive any injury, and they had the satisfaction of landing the whole of the shipwrecked crew in safety..