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List of the Medals of the Institution Voted to Naval and Marine Officers. [Continued.]

IN our issue for November we published the second list of the Gold and Silver Medals voted by the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION to officers of the Royal Navy and Marines, in acknowledge- ment of their gallant deeds in saving life from shipwreck.

Having again failed to trace the follow- ing names in the Official Lists, we are com- pelled to conclude that most, if not all, of these gallant men are now deceased.

We continue to give their names in alphabetical order, thus enabling anyone to trace them without difficulty.

MCGLADERY, JOHN, Lieutenant of H.M. Coast- guard at Dunfanaghy, Co. Donegal, awarded Silver Medal, on the 20th January 1847, for going off in the Coastguard galley with a crew of Coastguard men, and saving the master and 6 men from the schooner British Queen, which was wrecked at Dunfanaghy.

MACNAMARA, TIMOTHY, Lieutenant, awarded Gold Medal, on the 17th December 1840, for very gallantly assisting to rescue the crews, numbering 14 men in all, from the brig Victoria and sloop Lively, which were wrecked near Littlehampton, Sussex.

MANN, A. T.. Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at Devonport, awarded Silver Medal, on the 8th May 1833, for gallantly assisting to save 2 men belong- ing to the barge James, which was wrecked off Plymouth, and 4 men from a boat which had gone off to the aid of the crew of the barge, but had capsized.

MARSH, DIGBY, Captain of H.M. Coastguard at Brighton, awarded Gold Medal, on the 17th De- cember 1840, in recognition of his very gallant services in assisting to rescue the crews, consisting of 22 persons, from the brigs Mary and Offerton, and schooner Sir John Seale, which were wrecked near Brighton.

MATTHEWS, R. B., Lieutenant of H.M. Coast- guard, awarded Gold Medal, on the 24th October 1827, in admiration of many gallant services ren- dered by him ; he having been instrumental in saving 31 lives from various wrecks during the time he had been in the Coastguard service.


Rover, awarded Silver Medal, on the 13th March 1833, for gallantly going out in one of that vessel's boats, and assisting to rescue the crew of 10 men from the brig Erin, which was wrecked on Ply- mouth Breakwater.

METHERELL, R. R., Lieutenant of H.M. Coast- guard at Youghal, Ireland, awarded Gold Medal, on the 15th April 1840, for very gallantly assisting to rescue the crew, consisting of 4 men, from the brig Medora, wrecked in Ardmore Bay.

MORGAN, RICHARD, Lieutenant of H.M. Coast- guard at Rye, Sussex, awarded Silver Medal, on the 5th March 1834, for gallantly assisting to save the crew of 8 men of the vessel Conrad, wrecked near Bye.

MORRIS, JOHN Row, Captain of H.M. Coast- guard at Newcastle, Co. Down, awarded Gold Medal, on the 5th April 1826, in recognition of his very gallant conduct on the occasion of the wreck of the barque Richard Pope, during a strong gale from S.S.E. on the 6th March 1826.

MORRISON, Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at Youghal, Ireland, awarded Silver Medal, on the FEBRUARY 1, 1879.] THE LIFE-BOAT.

417 27th February 1828, in recognition of his gallant services in assisting by means of ropes to save the master and 4 seamen from the sloop Mermaid, •which was wrecked in Whiting Bay, near Youghal.

NELSON, WILLIAM, Commanding Officer of H.M. Coastguard cruiser Eliza, awarded Silver Medal for gallantly putting off in a small boat from the cruiser, with a crew of 4 men, and saving the crew of 5 men from the brigantine Jane, of Cork, which subsequently became a total wreck on Tramore beach, on the 3rd December 1866, NEWNHAM, NATHANIEL, Lieutenant of H.M.

Coastguard at Brighton, awarded Silver Medal, on the 17th December 1840, for gallantly assisting to save the crews, numbering in all 22 persons, from the brigs Mary and Offerton, and schooner Sir John Seale, which vessels -were wrecked near Brighton.

NORCOCK, G. L., Inspecting Commander of H.M. Coastguard at Fowey, Cornwall, awarded Silver Medal for gallantly putting off in a boat, with 2 men, and, at great risk of life, saving the only survivor of the crew of the schooner En- deavour, of Ipswich, which was wrecked near Gribbon Point Fowey, during a gale of wind, on the 6th May 1856.

NOTT, EDWARD B., Lieutenant, awarded 2 Silver Medals in recognition of his gallant services in assisting to save, at different periods, 2 persons from the sloop Thomas, of Newcastle, which was wrecked at Holy Island, and 9 persons from the schooner Diana, wrecked at Berwick.

PARRY, Lieutenant, awarded Gold Medal, on the 25th January 1832, in recognition of his very gallant services in going out in a boat with a crew of 4 Coastguard men, and saving 31 men from the French fishing-boat L'Aimee, wrecked in Bye harbour.

PARSONS, THOMAS, Lieutenant of H.M. Coast- guard at Bournemouth, awarded Silver Medal for gallantly putting off in a Coastguard galley, with a crew of 4 men, and saving 8 persons from the barque William Glenanderson, which was wrecked near Bascombe, on the coast of Dorset, during a heavy gale from S. to S.W. on the 27th De- cember 1852, and afterwards saving 4 persons from a yacht's life-boat which had upset in at- tempting to go off to the wreck.

PARSONS, W., Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at Swanage, Dorsetshire, awarded Silver Medal, on the 9th January 1839, for gallantly putting off, with a crew of 7 Coastguard men, in a boat and rescuing 7 men from the French vessel L'Aimable Mere, wrecked off St. Alban's Head, on the coast of Dorset.

PARTRIDGE, W. L., Captain, Inspecting Com- mander of the Wexford Division of H.M. Coast- guard, awarded Silver Medal for gallantly going out in the Carnsore Life-boat, and with much difficulty and danger saving the crew of 19 men from the barque Guyana, of Glasgow, which was wrecked on the Carrig Rocks, near Carnsore, during a heavy gale, on the 10th February 1861.

PEAKE, THOMAS L., Captain, awarded Gold Medal in acknowledgment of his valuable services in assisting to land the troops, women, and others, numbering in all 195 persons, from the transport- ship Admiral Berkeley, which vessel was wrecked off Portsmouth, on the 23rd November 1824.

PEDDER, WILLIAM, Lieutenant of H.M. Coast- guard at Dungeness, awarded Silver Medal, on the llth February 1835, for gallantly putting off in a boat with 2 Coastguard men, and saving the crew of 10 men of the brig Lord Exmouth, and foi gallantly wading into the surf and assisting to rescue 4 men from the schooner Cornubia, of Pen- zance, which vessels were wrecked off Dungeness.

PRATT, JAMES, Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal, on the 17th December 1840, in recognition of his gallant services in assisting to rescue the crews, numbering 22 persons, from the brigs Mary and Offerton, and schooner Sir John Seale, which vessels were wrecked near Brighton.

PRATTENT, JOHN, Lieutenant of H.M.S.Hyperion, awarded Gold Medal, on the 10th March 1830, for gallantly wading into the surf and, at great risk, helping to rescue the crew of 9 men from the French lugger La Constance, wrecked at Fairlight, near Hastings.

Prjf, R. E., Lieutenant, awarded Gold Medal, on the 16th September 1829, in acknowledgment of his very gallant services in going put in the Whitby Life-boat and assisting in rescuing the master, his wife, and the crew of 8 men, from the brig Aurora, which was wrecked at Whitby.

RANDALL, HENRY, Lieutenant of H.M. Coast- guard at Elie, N.B., awarded Gold Medal, on the 9th FeDruary 1825, in recognition of his valuable services on the occasion of the wreck of the Devoran, at the Bridge of Don, near Aberdeen.

Lieutenant RANDALL, with all despatch, got the rocket apparatus down on the beach, and after great difficulty succeeded in throwing a line on board the wreck, by means of which a boat was got off, and 4 of the vessel's crew were rescued.

The " Gold Boat" was awarded to this officer, on the 21st May 1834, for very gallantly putting off in a boat with a crew of 3 men, and saving the crew of 7 men from the schooner Wanderer, which was wrecked at Elie.

RAWSTONE, Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at Newhaven, Sussex, awarded Silver Medal, on the 8th May 1833, for gallantly assisting to rescue, by means of the rocket apparatus, 5 persons from the smack John, of Jersey, which was wrecked in Seatord Bay.

READ, JAMES, Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at Newhaven, Sussex, awarded Silver Medal, on the 18th July 1833, for gallantly helping to save, by means of ropes, 3 men from the sloop Industry, which was wrecked at Newhaven.

RIDGE, G. A. E., Captain, Inspecting Commander of H.M. Coastguard at Newcastle, Co. Down, awarded Silver Medal for wading into the surf, at the risk of his life, to the rescue of 1 man belong- ing to a boat manned by 12 persons, who had put off with the view of rendering assistance to a capsized boat, containing the crew of the Austrian brig Tikey, of Trieste, which was wrecked off St.

John's Point, Dundrum Bay, on the 14th December 1859.

ROBERTSON, ROBERT, Lieutenant, awarded Gold Medal, on the 15th December 1830, in recognition of his very gallant services in assisting to rescue 22 persons from the Royal Mail steam packet St. George, which was wrecked in Douglas Bay, Isle of Man.

ROBINSON, Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal, on the 16th January 1828, in acknowledgment of his gallant services in putting off in a boat with others, and assisting in the rescue of 17 men from the Swedish ship Fortroendert, wrecked at Douglas, Isle of Man.


Ross, THOMAS, Captain, Inspecting Commander of H.M. Coastguard at Swords, Ireland, awarded Gold Medal, on the 9th January 1839, in recogni- tion of his very gallant services in going off in a boat with others, and saving 4 persons from the brig Gainsborough, which was wrecked at Swords.

KOTHERY, J., Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal, on the Gth June 1838, for gallantly putting off in a boat with 6 men, and rescuing the crew, consisting of 7 men, from the schooner Agnes, which was wrecked at Sidmouth.

RYMER, D., Lieutenant, awarded Gold Medal, on the 9th May 1838, in recognition of his very gallant conduct in going out in a Life-boat at Berwick, and assisting to save 6 men from the schooner Margaret, of Dundee, which was wrecked on Spittal beach.

SANDERSON, J. P., Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at the Bridge of Don, N.B., awarded Silver Medal, on the 10th March 1830, in acknowledgment of his gallant services at the wreck of the smack Fame, in Aberdeen Bay, on which occasion 5 persons were saved by means of a boat and 9 by the rocket apparatus.

SERGEANT, JOHN, Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at Exmouth, awarded Silver Medal, on the 5th January 1831, for gallantly assisting, by means of ropes, to rescue the master and crew of 6 men of the brig Unity, which was wrecked off Exmouth.

SEWELL, H. F., Lieutenant, awarded Gold Medal, on the 9th November 1840, for very gallantly putting off in a boat with 1 man, and saving the crew of 5 men from the smack Sarah, which was wrecked off St. John's Point, Dundrum Bay, Ireland.

SHAW, CHARLES, Lieutenant of H.M. Coast- guard at Kedheugh, N.B., awarded Silver Medal, on the 22nd September 1830, for gallantly assist- ing to rescue, by means of the rocket apparatus, 4 persons from the sloop Peggy, of Peterhead, which was wrecked on the Tyne Sands, near Redheugh.

SIMS, ANDREW, Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at Peterhead, N.B., awarded 2 Silver Medals, for gallantly assisting, at different periods, to rescue, by means of the rocket apparatus, 4 men from the sloop Frazer and 7 men from the schooner Helen, which vessels were wrecked off Peterhead.

SNELL, GEORGE, Lieutenant, awarded Gold Medal, on the 29th January 1834, in recognition of his very gallant conduct in a Life-boat stationed at No. 31 Tower, near Dungeness, Kent, on the occasion of the rescue of the crew of 6 persons from the brig Pioneer, which was wrecked near Dungeness.

SOMERVILLE, JOHN, Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal, on the 5th March 1834, in recognition of his very gallant conduct in assisting to rescue 8 men from the Conrad, which was wrecked near Rye, Sussex.

The Gold Medal was also awarded to this officer, on the 28th October 1835, for going off in a Coast- guard boat, with a crew of 3 men, and very gal- lantly rescuing 6 men from the brig Industry, which was wrecked off Little'stone, near New Romney, Kent.

SOUTHEY, Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal, on the 2nd December 1835, in recognition of his gallant services in the Life-boat stationed at No. 31 Tower, Rye, on the occasion of the rescue by that boat of 7 men from the brig Charles, of Cherbourg.

STARK, PETER, Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at Broughty Ferry, N.B., awarded Silver Medal, on the 3rd May 1837, for gallantly putting off in a Life-boat with a crew of 15 men, and saving 3 men from the Two Sisters, of Kirkcaldy, wrecked on the banks off the Tay.

The Gold Medal was also awarded to this officer, on the 21st March 1838, in recognition of his very gallant conduct in going out in a Life-boat, with a crew of 17 men, and rescuing 5 men from the Banger, of Perth, which vessel was also wrecked on the banks off the Tay.

STEANE, JOHN, Lieutenant, awarded Gold Medal, on the 4th May 1831, in recognition of his very gallant services in attempting to save the crew of the brig Fame, which vessel was wrecked off Rye, on the coast of Sussex.

STRAGNELL. Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal, on the 16th January 1828, in acknowledgment of his gallant services in putting off in a boat with others, and assisting in the rescue of 17 men from the Swedish ship Fortroendert, wrecked at Douglas, Isle of Man.

STRONG, FRANCIS M., Second Master, awarded Silver Medal, on the 13th March 1833, for putting off in a boat and assisting to save the crew of the vessel Erin, wrecked near Plymouth Breakwater.

STUART, J., Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at Littlestone, near Romney, Kent, awarded Silver Medal, on the 8th February 1837, for assisting to rescue, by means of ropes, 10 men from the vessel Dixon, which was wrecked at Littlestone.

SYMMES, H. A. S., Lieutenant, awarded Gold Medal, on the 9th January 1839, for putting off in a boat with a crew of 5 men, and very gallantly saving the crew, consisting of 9 men, from the French brig Claire, which was wrecked at Yar- mouth, Isle of Wight.

TUDOR, Jons, Commander, awarded Silver Medal, on the 1st October 1857, for gallantly going out in the Wick Life-boat and attempting to save the crew of a Hanoverian galliot, which was in a dangerous position off Wick, during a gale on the 9th October 1857. The Life-boat, however, was rendered useless by the heavy seas which broke over her, aud broke or carried away all her oars.

The 2nd Service Clasp was also awarded to this officer, on the Gth December I860, in acknowledge- ment of his intrepid services in taking command of a ship's boat, manned by 9 men, and, at much risk of life, saving 2 persons from the Martha, of Wick, which was wrecked near that port, during a heavy gale of wind, on the 20th November 1800.

TURNER, CHARLES, Lieutenant, awarded Gold Medal, on the 1st. June 1831, for going out in a Life-boat stationed at Fraserburgh, N.B., and very gallantly assisting to rescue 3 men from the sloop Janet, which was wrecked off that place.

WALKER, Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal, on the 2nd March 1825, in recognition of his gallant services at the wreck of the transport-ship Admiral Berkeley, at Portsmouth, on which occasion he assisted in making a raft, and with his boat's crew helped to land the troops and others from the vessel.

WARREN, CHARLES D., Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal, on the 9th November 1840, for gallantly putting off in a boat with a crew of Coastguard men, and rescuing the crew of 2 men from the sloop Banff, of Fortrose, N.B., which was wrecked at Cromarty, N.B.


419 WATTS, WILLIAM STEPHEN, Lieutenant, awarded Gold Medal, on the 10th February 1830, in recognition of his very gallant conduct in assisting to rescue 17 persons from the Moun- taineer, which vessel was wrecked on Walmer beach.

WESTBROOK, EDMUND B., Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal, on the 7th February 1838, for going off in a boat, with 3 men, and saving 3 men from the sloop Ann, of Portsmouth, which was wrecked on Chichester Shoals.

WOODHAM, Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at Banff, N.B., awarded Silver Medal, on the 8th December 1847, in recognition of his gallant con- duct at the wreck of the schooner Pearl, at Banff, on which occasion the vessel's crew of 5 men were rescued by means of a coble and the rocket apparatus.

WYLDK, SYDENHAM, Lieutenant of H.M. Coast- guard at Caister, Norfolk, awarded Silver Medal, on the 21st March 1838, for gallantly assisting to rescue, by means of a hawser, the master and 8 men from the schooner Lapwing, of Shields, which was wrecked at Caister.

YOUNG, THOMAS, Lieutenant of H.M. Coast- guard at Atherfield, Isle of Wight, awarded Silver Medal, on the 5th February 18(57, in acknowledge- ment of his gallant services and skilful seaman- ship in saving, with his boat's crew, the brig Red Port, of London, and her crew, on the 4th January 1857. He had also on previous occasions ren- dered valuable services in saving life from ship- wreck..