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FISHGUARD.—On the 7th Oct. a very heavy S.S.W. gale was experienced here. Several vessels were lying at anchor in the roadstead, one of which, the schooner Charlotte, of Portmadoc, was anchored very far out, and fears were entertained for her safety.In the afternoon she was seen to drag her anchors and drift on to the Cow and Calf Rocks. At about 6.30 P.M. she hoisted a signal of distress, and the Life-boat Sir Edward Perrott put off to her assistance, and soon arrived alongside the vessel. In the meantime, however, the crew, consisting of 4 men, had got on the Cow Rock, and great difficulty was experienced in getting them into the Life-boat. As soon as they were taken on board, an attempt was made to return to the shore, but as the Boat had to pass through a narrow opening between the mainland and the rock, through which there was a very heavy run of tide, the wind being dead against her, it was found impossible to make headway ; and she therefore had torun into Pwll Hir for shelter. She remained there for some hours until slack water, when another effort to pass through the sound was made; but when nearly through, the Boat was met by such terrific gusts of wind that she was driven back, and had again to seek shelter at Pwll Hir. After waiting there a long while, the gale slightly abated, and another attempt was made to pass through the channel, fortunately this time with success.

The Life-boat men were very much exhausted on reaching the shore, having been out in the boat 9 hours, and were thoroughly wet, the rain having been pouring in torrents during the time they were at Pwll Hir..