The S.S. Spartan
PALLING.—On the 6th April, at about 7 A.M., the s. s. Spartan, of Botterdam, bound from Hamburg to London, with a cargo of sugar, grounded on the Hasborough Sands during a dense fog. On the following morning, the fog having cleared, the vessel was discovered, and the Palling No. 2 Life-boat, the British Workman, and a yawl put off to her assistance, and remained by her all day. In the evening the yawl took off 3 of the crew and landed them at Palling, the Life-boat still lying by the vessel, the remainder of the crew (10 men) having been taken on board the boat. The steamer ultimately floated; sail was then made, and with the aid of the Life-boat she was beached at Winterton at 2.30 A.M. on the 8th April; she, however, became afterwards a total wreck..