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Royal National Life-Boat Institution


« Post firsniras Jlrcsibtttt—His GRACE THE DUKE OF NORTHUMBERLAND, P.C., D.&L.

Services of the Life-boats of the Institution in 1877.

AdaMdmore, barque, of Maryport 10 Adventure, dandy, of Bridgwater 4 Agnes and Helen, sch., Bangor 4 .Aid, ketch, of Hull—assisted to save vessel and 4 Alfred and £mma, sch., Barrow 4 AUerton Packet, sch., Whitstable 6 Alma, barque, of Drammen— rendered assistance.

Alpheta, barque, of Shoreham ... 12 Andromeda, schooner, of London 6 Anna Maria, bri%, of BIyth—as- sisted to save vessel and 1 Ann and Elizabeth, fishing coble, and another coble 7 Annie, schooner, of Padstow .... 5 Ann Pritchard, smack, of Carnar- von—saved vessel and 2 Augia, barque, of Guernsey—: assisted to save vessel and .... 10 Aurora, brig, of Ardrossan 1 Aurora, schooner, of Christiania. 6 Aeoto, barque, of Christiansund— saved a boat and 8 B. F. Nash, brig, of New York.. 11 Barkley, schooner, of Ipswich ... 5 BarrogiU Castle, schooner 10 Beatrix, brig, of Whitby 6 Beautiful Star, schooner—ren- dered assistance.

Berdinkha, brig., of Hartlepool. 14 Blanche et Louis, brig., Nantes 4 Cardigan Island, shore-boat 4 Ceres, ship, of Greenock 23 Charm, schooner, of Montrose... 3 Christopher Sansteen, brig, of Cbristiania 8 Constantia, barque, of Simderland 12 Craig** brig, of Whitby—assisted to save vessel and 1 Crocodile, brig, of Dartmouth— remained by vessel.

Crusader, ship, of Liverpool.... 22 Dakota, steamer, of Liverpool... 20 Darling, sloop, of Beaumaris— assisted to save vessel and .... 2 D'Artagnan, French brig 6 UHttwyn, brig, of Swansea—saved vessel and 8 Dorothea, barque, of Sunderland —assisted to save vessel and .. 11 Ebenezer, smack, of Bideford.... 3 Eidswold, brig, of Arendal— assisted to save vessel and .... 8 Elizabeth, smack, of Cardigan... 2 JBnsimainen, schooner, of Borga . 12 Eva, barque, of Dublin 3 Eyemouth fishing boats, assisted to save 21 boats and 21 flora, ship, of Liverpool—ren- dered assistance.

F&rtuna, brig, of Oster Risoer ... 6 Fraserburgh fishing boats—ren- dered assistance, Fred Eugene, schooner, Portland 9 French brig—rendered assistance.

Fria, schooner, of Tllisted—as- sisted to save vessel and 1 Fuchsia, schooner, of Goole George and Valentine,schooner.. 5 George Brown, sch., of Montrose. 2 George Evans, of Newquay.... 2 Gleaner, schooner, of Southamp- ton—assisted to save vessel and 4 Guiding Star, schooner, of Wick 8 Hannah and Joseph, Liverpool— assisted to save vessel.

Hannah Rathkens, of Hostock... 5 Sappy Return, brig, of Guernsey —assisted to save vessel and .. 8 ffarkaway, lugger, of Shoreham —saved vessel.

Harriet, schooner, of Goole— rendered assistance.

ffedviff Sophia, Swedish barque . 12 Selene, schooner, of Rye 3 Henri Helene, of Nantes—ren- dered assistance.

Hero, barque, of North Shields .. 15 Hope, brig, of Hartlepool—as- sisted to save vessel and 8 Ida, barque, of Glasgow 1 Isabella, schooner, of Portmadoc . 5 Iside, Italian barque—rendered assistance.

Jacob Langstrum, barque, of Gothenburg 8 James, schooner, of Belfast 6 James, s.s., of Greenock 4 James Carthy, schooner 10 James Vinni&mbe, Sunderland— assisted to save vessel and 17 Jane, boat, of Hunstanton 6 Jane, schooner, of Whitehaven .. 5 Jane and Ellen, schooner, Nefyn 3 Jane Cameron, schooner 6 Jessie, schooner, of Perth 4 Jeune Prosper, schooner 1 Johanna Vrow, schooner, of Altona—assisted to save vessel.

John and Eliza, smack 2 John Douse, brig, Falmouth.... 2 JunaJc, barque, of Spalato 14 Kate, schooner, of Ramsey 4 King Ja-Ja, s.s., of Carnarvon... 10 La Belle, brig, of Shoreham ..... 8 Lady ffavelock, brig 8 Les Deux Sceurs, ketch—assisted to save vessel and 13 Lily, brig, of Guernsey—assisted to save vessel and 8 Linda, yacht, of Carnsore 2 Lizzie Male, schooner, of Padstow 6 Louisa, brigantine, of Weymouth —saved vessel and 7 Ludworth, S.S., of London—as- sisted to save vessel and 36 Maggie Kelso, sch., of Ardrossan. 3 Marietta, ship, of Liverpool 13 Martin Bailly, of Yarmouth- assisted to save vessel and .... 6 Mary, schooner, of Liverpool.... 3 Mary Helen, schooner, of Fowey —saved vessel.

Mermaid, brigantine—assisted to save vessel.

Mountain Hare, of Wexford .., * 6 Mystw Tie, brig., of Ardrossan .. 7 Nanta, barque, of Luasino 13 Nelly, cutter-yacht, of London— rendered assistance.

Newbiggin fishing cobles—ren- dered assistance.

Newland, smack, of Kilkeel— saved vessel and 3 Ifoach /., barque, Rotterdam- assisted to save vessel and .... 20 Nuphar, s.s., of Shields—rendered assistance.

Ocean Packet, of Harlingen 7 Pallas, ketch, of Jersey—assisted to save vessel and 5 Pembrokeshire Lass, Milford ... S Pet, fishing boat, of Lowestoft .. 11 Plymouth, schooner, of Plymouth 4 Porthdinllaen boat—saved boat 2 Prospect, smack, of Eyemouth .. 2 Queen of Hearts, barque, of Miramicbie, N.B i Rainton, steamer, of Glasgow- rendered assistance.

Rebecca and Mary, Carnarvon... 5 Besult, barque, ol Guernsey .... 9 Reward, brig, of Guernsey- assisted to save vessel and .... 8 Sarah, ship, of Yarmouth, N.S. . 18 Sarah, smack 3 Sarah Ellen, sch., of Liverpool.. 3 Sea Lark, schooner, of Castle Hill —assisted to save vessel and .. 5 Sheringham boat saved, and 2 Sisters, barque, of Sunderlaud ..11 Slaney, schooner, of Belfast 1 Starling, schooner, of Goole— assisted to save vessel and .... 5 Success, fishing vessel, of Rams- gate—rendered assistance, Suez, brig, of Sarpsborg 9 Supply, schooner, of Ne wport... 3 Test, of Portmadoc—assisted.

Three Teignmouth fishing boats . 10 Urania, s.s., of Swansea 10 Victoria, barque, of Sunderland . 9 Vier Broders, of Groningen .... 4 Vigilant, of St. Andrew's l Vine, schooner 2 Wancoma, schooner, of Belfast .. 2 Wave, schooner, of Guernsey ... 6 White Kose, smack—saved vessel 6 Wohldorf, barque, of Kiel—as- sisted to save vessel and 9 Total lives saved by Life-boats, In 1877, in addition to 35 vessels, 848 Ditto in first nine months of 1878, besides 11 vessels 322 During the same period the Insti- tution granted rewards for saving lives by fishing and other boats 315 Total of lives saved I 14R= in 21 months-..*1485 THB COMMITTEE OP MANAGEMENT have to state that during the year 1811, and the first nine months of ISlx, the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION expended £51,769 on its 269 Life-boat Establishments on the coasts of England, Scotland, and Ireland in addition to having contributed to the saving of 1485 persons irom various shipwrecks on our coasts, lor which services it granted 11 Silver Medals and 26 Votes of Thanks on Yellum, besides pecuniary rewards to the amount of £5626.

The number -of lives saved either by the Life-boats of the Society, or by special exertions for which it has granted rewards, since its formation, is 25,872; for which services 92 Gold Medals, 887 Silver Medals, and £55,695 in cash have been paid in rewards.

The expense of a Life-boat, its equipment, transporting carriage, and boat-house, averages £900, in addition to £70 a year needed to keep the Establishment in a state of efficiency.

Donations and Annual Subscriptions will be thankfully received by the Bankers of the Institution, Messrs.

COUTTS AKD Co., 59 Strand; Messrs. HERRIES, FARQUHAR, AND Co., 16 St. James's Street; Messrs. HOARE, 37 Fleet Street, London; by all the other Bankers in the United Kingdom; by all the Life-boat Branches; and by the Secretary, RICHARD LEWIS, Esq., at the Institution, 14 JOHN STREET, ADELPHI, London, W.C.—November 1878..