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List of the Medals of the Institution Voted to Naval and Marine Officers

IN a previous issue we promised to publish a supplemental list of the Gold and Silver Medals voted by the rOYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION to officers of the Royal Navy and Marines, in acknowledge- ment of their gallant deeds in Saving Life from Shipwreck.

Having failed to trace their names in the Official Lists, we are compelled to con- clude that most, if not all, of these gallant men are now deceased.

We have arranged their names alphabet- ically to enable their relations and friends to experience no difficulty in tracing their names, in a brief record of their deeds, which are as noble as those performed by their compatriots in defending the great- ness and honour of our country.

We must add that the rank given to each officer is that which he held at the time the service was performed.

ANDERSON, JOHN G., Esq., R.K., Chief Officer of H.M. Coastguard at Downderry, Ireland, awarded Silver Medal, on the 3rd April 1851, for gallantly wading into the sea and assisting to rescue, by means of ropes, 9 men from the French brig Fletan, which was wrecked in Whitsand Bay.

AUTRIDGE, Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal, on the 25th January 1832, for putting off in a boat, with 5 Coastguard men, and gallantly saving 9 of the crew of the brig Cyclops, of Whitehaven, which was wrecked at Doonbeg, near Kilrusb, Ireland.

BAILLIE, HENRY, Lieutenant of H.M. Coast- guard at Great Yarmouth, awarded Silver Medal, on the 27th February 1828, in acknowledgment of his gallant services "in putting off, with 9 men, in a boat, and saving the crew, consisting of 10 per- sons, of the brig Crofton, of Sunderland, which was wrecked at Caister, near Great Yarmouth.

BAILLIE, HENRY, Lieutenant of H.M. Coast- guard at Spittal, near Berwick-on-Tweed, awarded Silver Medal in acknowledgment of his gallant services in assisting to save the crew of 6 men from the Swedish schooner Cupido, which vessel, while on a voyage from Gottenburg to Grange- mouth, was wrecked off Spittal, on the 26th December 1833.

BAKE, Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal, on the 13th February 1828, in recognition of his gallant services in assisting to rescue, by means of rope communication, 25 persons from the Mary Ann, wrecked in Bovisand Bay, near Plymouth.

BAKER, G. S., Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at Folkestone, awarded Silver Medal, on the 30th November 1831, for putting off, in a boat with 5 Coastguard men and saving the crew, consisting of ( men, from the brig Brothers and Sisters, which was wrecked off No. 24 Tower, near Folkestone.

BARRY, G., Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal, on the 22nd February 1826, for gallantly putting off in a boat with 5 Coastguard men, and saving the crew, with the exception of one boy, from the Eliza, which vessel was wrecked at Sandy Island, near Kinsale.

BENNETT, C. C., Captain, awarded Gold Medal, on the 5th January 1825, in recognition of his very gallant services in assisting to rescue the crew, consisting of 4 persons, from the Unity, which was wrecked between Lyme Regis and Charmouth, Dorset, while on a voyage from Lyme to London.

BLAIR, HORATIO, Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at Birling Gap, near Rottingdean, Sussex, awarded Silver Medal, on the 15th July 1840, for assisting to save, by means of the rocket apparatus, 4 men from a French lugger which was wrecked at Birling Gap.

BLOIS, J. R., Captain, Inspecting Commander of H.M. Coastguard at Glynn, Ireland, awarded Gold Medal in recognition of his very gallant services in assisting to rescue 10 persons from the steam- packet Venus, of Glasgow, which was wrecked oft" Glynn, on the 18th March 1828.

BOWEN, C. H., Lieutenant, Chief Officer of H.M.

Coastguard at Fraserburgh, N.B., awarded Gold Medal, on the 31st January 1827, in recognition of his very gallant services on the occasion of the rescue, by means of the rocket apparatus, of 6 persons from the Rose, which vessel was wrecked at Fraserburgh.

BRITTAIN, G. S., Lieutenant, Chief Officer of H.M. Coastguard at Whitby, awarded Silver Medal for going out in the" Life-boat at that place and gallantly assisting to save 9 persons from the brig Middlesborough, of Middlesbrough, which was wrecked at Whitby, on the 21st De- cember 1837.

The Gold Medal was also awarded to this officer in recognition of his very gallant services in going off in the Whitby Life-boat, during a heavy N.

gale, on the 29th October 1838, and, at great risk of life, assisting to rescue the crew of 10 persons from the brig Jupiter, of Whitby, which was wrecked off that port.

BRUNTON, J., Lieutenant, of H.M. Coastguard at Newton-by-the-Sea, Northumberland, awarded Gold Medal in recognition of his very gallant services in putting off in a fishing coble, with 4 fishermen, and, at imminent risk of life, saving I seaman from the schooner Triton, of Arbroath, which was wrecked near Newton, on the 1st De- cember 1828.

The Silver Medal was also awarded to this officer, on the 18th December 1844, in recognition of his gallant conduct in the Boulmer Life-boat, on the occasion of the wreck of the brig Iris, on Boulmer Rocks, when the crew of 8 men were rescued by that boat.

BUCK, W. C., Esq., R.N., Chief Officer of H.M.

Coastguard at Winchelsea, Sussex, awarded Silver Medal for gallantly putting off in a Coastguard boat with a crew of 5 men, and saving 1 of the crew of the fishing smack Thetis, of Jersey, which was wrecked at Rye, on the coast of Sussex, on the 13th February 1864.

BULLEY, J., Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at Atherfield, Isle of Wight, awarded 2 Silver Medals, on the 10th January 1838 and 4th March 1841 respectively, in acknowledgment of his gallant services on the occasion of the rescue of the crews, numbering 9 men in all, from the Norwegian brig Enigheden, and ship Castor, which vessels were wrecked at Atherfield.

The Gold Medal and " Gold Boat" were also awarded to this officer, on the 8th February 1843 and 10th February 1848 respectively, in recognition of his very gallant services in assisting to rescue II men from the brig George, and 15 men from the ship Llanrumney, which vessels were also wrecked at Atherfield.

CARRINGTON, Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal, I on the 14th March 1832, for gallantly putting off in a boat with 5 men, and saving 4 men, from the brig Bittern, which was wrecked at Dunfanaghy, Ireland.

CLARKE, JOSEPH, Lieutenant, awarded Gold Medal, on the 8th December 1824, in recognition of his very gallant services in assisting to save the crew of 5 men and a pilot from the Juno, which vessel, while on a voyage from Jersey to Glasgow, was wrecked at Birling Gap, near Beachy Head.

CLAYTON, Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal, on the 9th February 1842, for gallantly putting off in a boat with a Coastguard crew, and saving 4 men from the Harmony, of Brixham,;which was wrecked at Dartmouth.

COMBE, MATTHEW, Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal, on the 12th March 1845, in recognition of his gallant services in putting oft, with others, in a Coastguard galley, and assisting to rescue the master and crew of the William Harrington, which vessel was wrecked at Dungeness, Kent.

COPPIN, FREDERICK, Lieutenant of H.M. Coast- guard Service, awarded Silver Madal, on the 17th April 1839, in acknowledgment of his gallant ser- vices on the occasion of the rescue, by means of ropes, of the crew, consisting of 11 men, from the Danish brig Christian, which was wrecked between Dover and Folkestone.

CORNISH, JOHN, Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal, on the 16th November 1843, for putting off in a boat with 4 Coastguard men, and gallantly saving 2 men from the schooner Norman, which was wrecked at Bevisand, near Plymouth.

Cox, HENRY, Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at St. Andrew's, N.B., awarded Gold Medal, in recogni- tion of his very gallant services in assisting to save the crew of 6 men of the schooner Tid, of Dundee, which was wrecked off St. Andrew's, on the 4th October 1835.

The Silver Medal was also awarded to this officer, on the 8th January 1840, for going out in the St. Andrew's Life-boat, and assisting to rescue the crew, consisting of 13 men, of the Isabella and Anne, of Aberdeen, which vessel was also wrecked off St. Andrew's, while on a voyage from Shields to Dundee.

DABINE, Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at Wicklow, Ireland, awarded Silver Medal, on the 2nd March 1831, for gallantly assisting to rescue, by means of ropes, the master and 3 seamen from the schooner Jane, of Wicklow, which was wrecked off that port.

DAVIES, GEORGE, Lieutenant, awarded three Silver Medals for gallantly assisting to save, at different periods, 1 man from the sloop Dartmouth, •which was wrecked at CambeT, near Folkestone ; 8 men from the French brig Le Jean Marie, wrecked at Swanage, Dorset ; 9 men from the brig Victoria, and 5 men from the sloop Lively, which vessels were wrecked near Littlehampton, Sussex.

The Gold Medal was also awarded to this officer in 1851, by which time he had risen to the rank of Captain, in recognition of his very gallant services in assisting to save the master, his wife, and 1 of the crew of the brig New Commercial, of Whitby, wrecked on the Brisson's Rocks, Cornwall.

, DANIEL, Lieutenant, Chief Officer of H.M. Coastguard at Holy Island, awarded Silver Medal for gallantly going off in the Holy Island Life-boat on the 12th October 1838, and assisting to save the crew of 5 men from the Isabella, of 408 THE LIFE-BOAT.

[NOVEMBER 1, 1878.

Arbroath. This vessel had lost her sails during a severe gale, and was afterwards discovered to be on fire, and in attempting to make for Holy Island Harbour she grounded on the Bar in a tremendous surf.

DYER, HUGH McNEiLL, Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal in testimony of his gallant exertions in rushing into the surf and assisting to save, at the peril of his life, the crew of the brig Neptune, which was wrecked off Kingstown, during a heavy gale of wind, on the 9th February 1861.

EARLE, E. C., Lieutenant, awarded Gold Medal, on 4th May 1831, in recognition of his very gallant services on the occasion of the wreck of the brig Fame, at Eye, on the coast of Sussex.

ELSE, JOHN, Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at Polkerris, Cornwall, awarded Gold Medal, on the 18th October 1826, in recognition of his very gallant services on the occasion of the seine boat Provi- dence, of Par, being wrecked off Polkerris Pier.

ELWIN, JOSEPH, Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal, on the 19th January 1825, for gallantly assisting to rescue 2 men from the Lark, of Christ- church, which vessel was wrecked at Flag Head, Branksea Island, near Lymington, Hants.

EVANS, THOMAS, Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal, on the 9th April 1834, for gallantly going off in the Fishguard Life-boat and assisting to save the master and crew of the sloop Ranger, which was wrecked off Fishguard, Pembrokeshire.

EVISON, J. C., Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal in recognition of his gallant services in assisting to rescue the crew of 3 men from the sloop William and Ann, which was wrecked near Lowestoft, on the 8th January 1834.

FESTING, Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal, on the 2nd March 1825, in recognition of his gallant services at the wreck of the transport ship Ad- miral Berkeley, at Portsmouth, on which occasion he assisted in making a raft, and with his boat's crew helped to land the troops and others from the vessel.

FIELD, WILLIAM GEORGE, Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal, on 9th May 1838, for gallantly assisting to save 2 men from a coal barge which was wrecked at Falmouth.

FITZJAMES, JAMES, an officer of the expedition bound to the Euphrates, awarded Silver Medal, on llth February 1835, for gallantly saving a man who had fallen overboard from the ship George Canning, at Liverpool. Mr. Fitzjames, on wit- nesssing the accident, at once jumped into the sea and swam to the man's rescue, and supported him until both were picked up by a boat.

FRANKLIN, EDWARD, Lieutenant of H.M. Coast- guard at Hove, near Brighton, awarded Silver Medal, on 12th December 1838, for wading into the sea with ropes and gallantly assisting to save the master and 7 seamen from the brig Friends, which was wrecked at Hove.

FRANKLYN, G., Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal, on 7th August 1838, for gallantly rescuing the crew, consisting of 6 men, of the brig Zebra, which, while on a voyage from Ipswich to Liverpool, was wrecked at Eottingdean, Sussex.

FREEMANTLE, C. W., Captain, awarded Gold Medal, on 10th July 1824, in recognition of his most gallant conduct on the occasion of the wreck of a Swedish brig at Christchurcb, Hampshire.

Captain Freemantle, seeing the vessel broadside on the shore, with loss of mainmast, and striking so heavily that it was feared she would go to pieces, fastened a small line to his body and swam to her. He succeeded in getting on board, but the crew were afraid to adopt his directions for leaving the vessel, and he was compelled for his own preservation to return ashore. He was unable to accomplish this by his own exertions, and was hauled on shore by the line in an exhausted and insensible state. Fortunately, the crew of the vessel eventually got to land on the wreck of the mast after the vessel had parted.

FULTON, ROBERT, Esq., Master, R.K., awarded Silver Medal, on 28th October 1835, in recognition of his gallant services in assisting to rescue the master and 5 seamen from the schooner Tid, of Dundee, which was wrecked at St. Andrew's, N.B.

GILSON, T. A., Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal, on the 8th February 1843, for gallantly going out in a boat with 10 men, and saving 4 seamen from the schooner L'Unione Fortunata, which was wrecked near Beachy Head.

Goss, THOMAS, Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at Dunmanus, Co. Cork, awarded Gold Medal, in recognition of his very gallant services in assisting to rescue the master, mate, and 26 of the crew of the ship Mountaineer, which was wrecked at Dun- manus, during a heavy gale, on the 15th December 1850.

The Silver Medal was also awarded to this officer, in acknowledgment of his gallant services in assisting to save 12 of the trew of the Austrian brig Uredan, which had driven ashore near Guil- leen, Co. Cork, during a heavy gale, on the 27th January 1861.

GOULD, W., Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at Brooke, Isle of Wight, awarded Silver Medal, on 30th July 1845, in acknowledgment of his gallant services in putting off in a boat with 6 men and saving 6 men from the ship Slam, which was wrecked off Compton, Isle of Wight.

GKAHAM, GEORGE, Lieutenant of H.M. Coast- guard at Winterton, awarded Silver Medal, on the 10th March 1836, in recognition of his gallant ser- vices on the occasion of the rescue, by means of the rocket apparatus, of the master and two men from the Ann and Mary, which vessel was wrecked at Winterton.

GKAHAM, PHILIP, Captain, awarded Gold Medal, on 10th February 1830, in recognition of his very gallant services in assisting to rescue the crew, consisting of 14 persons, and 3 Deal boatmen, from the Mountaineer, which vessel, while on a voyage from the Cape of Good Hope to London, was wrecked on Walmer Beach.

GRANDY, S., Lieutenant, awarded Gold Medal, in recognition of his very gallant services in putting off in a boat with a crew of Coastguard men and assisting to rescue the officers, .crew, troops, and others on board the transport ship Admiral Berkeley, bound for Cape Coast Castle, which vessel was wrecked off Portsmouth on the 23rd November 1824.

The Silver Medal was also awarded to this officer, on the 8th May 1833, in acknowledgment of his gallant conduct at the wreck of the smack John, of Jersey, in Seaford Bay, on which occasion 5 persons on board the vessel were saved by means of the rocket apparatus.

HENRY, —, Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at Groomsport, Ireland, awarded Silver Medal, on 18th March 1829, in acknowledgment of his gallant services in putting off in a boat with 7 men, and saving the crew of 4 men from the sloop Friends, which was wrecked at Cockle Island, off Grooms- port.


409 HOLLAND, JOHN, Lieutenant of H.M. Coast- guard at Lough Swilly, Ireland, awarded Silver Medal, on the 21st February 1839, for gallantly putting off in a boat with 3 men, and saving the crew, consisting of 9 men, from the schooner Venus, which was wrecked on the Inch Bank.

HOLMAN, THOMAS, Lieutenant of H.M. Coast- guard at Bovisand, near Plymouth, awarded Silver Medal, on the 21st March 1838, for putting off in a boat with a crew of 8 men, and gallantly saving the master and 5 men from the Thetis, of Liver- pool, which was wrecked on Plymouth Break- water.

JAMES, HORATIO, Lieutenant of H.M.S. Hype- rion, awarded Gold Medal, on the 10th March 1830, for wading into the surf and, at great risk, assisting to rescue the crew of 9 persons of the French lugger La Constance, wrecked at Fairlight, near Hastings.

JAMES, WILLIAM, Lieutenant, awarded Gold Medal, on 5th January 1831, for swimming, at great risk, to the French brig Le Bon Pere, which was wrecked at Falmouth, and bringing ashore a rope by means of which those on board, numbering 10 persons, were safely landed.

JOACHIM, RICHARD, Lieutenant of H.M. Coast- guard at Lowestoft, awarded two Silver Medals, also a Second and a Third Service Clasp of the Institution, in recognition of his gallant services in assisting to save, at different periods, the lives of a large number of persons from the Scotch sloop Janet Walls, sloop Venus, Norwegian brig Dron- ningen, brig Tennant, of Stockton, pilot-cutter Wkitn, of Lowestoft, lugger Saucy Lass, of Lowe- stoft, and several other vessels which were wrecked in the vicinity of Lowestoft.


Coastguard at Arbroath, N.B., awarded Gold Medal, on the 7th March 1827, in recognition of his very gallant services at the wreck of the Clyde Packet at Arbroath, on which occasion the crew of 5 men and 7 passengers were rescued by the rocket apparatus.

The Second Service Clasp was awarded, on the 28th March in the same year, to this officer in acknowledgment of his services in assisting to save the master of the Alice, wrecked at Arbroath.

JONES, CHARLES GRAY, Captain, one of the Inspectors of Life-boats to the Institution, awarded Silver Medal in recognition of his gallant conduct in going out in the Life-boat, at Newcastle, Co.

Down, and assisting to save 4 men from the schooner Rose, of Youghal, which was wrecked in Dundrum Bay, during a strong S.E. gale, on the 26th February 1874.

The Second Service Clasp was also awarded to this officer in admiration of his gallant conduct in rushing into the surf and helping to save the master of the smack Charlotte, of Padstow, wrecked in Widemonth Bay, Cornwall, during a W. gale and heavy sea, on the 6th December 1874, and of his valuable and skilful services in the Ilfracombe Life-boat on the 16th December 1874, on which occasion the Boat was the means of saving the schooner Annie Arby, of Dublin, and her crew of 7 men; and the crew of 5 men from the brig Utility, of Workington.

JONES, KICHARD, Lieutenant of H.M. Coast- guard, awarded a Gold Medal, a " Gold Boat," and a Silver Medal, in recognition of his very gallant services in assisting, at different periods, to save 37 persons from the brig Smalls, smacks William and George, and Catherine and Ann, of Dundee, sloop Northfield, brig Royalist, and schooner Stansfield.

KELLY, EDWARD, Lieutenant, Harbour Master j at Port Louis, Mauritius, awarded Silver Medal for i gallantly putting off in a boat four times, with j several others, and saving 250 coolies from the j ship Randolph, which was totally wrecked off Port Louis during a gale on the 27th June 1851.

KENNEDY, ARTHUR, Lieutenant of H.M. Coast- guard, awarded two Silver Medals for gallantly putting off in boats with crews of Coastguard men, and saving 5 persons from the schooner Martin, which was wrecked at Rock Point, on the coast of Antrim, on the 16th January 1851, and 5 men from the schooner Gleaner, of Cardigan, wrecked off Ballyheige, Co. Kerry, on the 1st December 1863.

KING, SIDNEY, Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal, on the 15th November 1838, for putting offi in a boat with a crew of 8 men, and saving the master and 1 seaman from the barge John, of London, which, was wrecked near Soutnend.

KISBEE, THOMAS, Commander, awarded Silver Medal, on the 5th July 1855, in testimony of his highly meritorious services to nearly 90 persons who had been wrecked at different periods from 10 vessels on the coast of Norfolk.

LANE, —, Lieutenant, of H.M. Coastguard at Dartmouth, awarded Silver Medal, on the 9th August 1838, for putting off in a boat with a crew of 9 men, and saving the crew, consisting of 5 per- sons, from the French fishing-boat Victoire, wrecked off Dartmouth.

LAVINGTON, THOMAS, Lieutenant, awarded Silver Medal, on the 2nd December 1846, for putting off in a boat with 5 Coastguard men, and gallantly saving the crew of 5 men from the sloop Bellona, which was wrecked on Bognor Rocks, off the coast of Sussex.

LEIGH, THOMAS, Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at Winterton, Norfolk, awarded Gold Medal, "Gold Boat," and Silver Medal for gallantly assisting to rescue, at different periods, 7 men from the brig Annabella, 4 men from the brig Henry, 16 persons from the ship Cravford Damson, and 8 men from the brig Blackbird, which vessels were wrecked off Winterton.

LETT, S. J., Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at Rosslare, near Wexford, awarded Gold Medal, on the 9th January 1839, in recognition of his very gallant services in putting off in a boat with 5 men, and saving 8 of the crew of the ship Ariadne, which was wrecked at Rosslare.

LINDSAY, JAMES, Lieutenant of H.M. Coast- guard at Fort George, N.B., awarded Gold Medal, on the 7th February 1827, in acknowledgment of his very gallant conduct in assisting to rescue the master, 2 seamen, and a female passenger from the sloop Lively, which was wrecked off Fort George.

LINGARD, JOHN, Lieutenant, awarded Gold Medal, on the 19th August, 1829, for gallantly assisting to save the master and his wife and the crew of 5 men from the brig Esther, and the master and crew of 5 men from the brig Henry, which vessels were wrecked at Robin Hood Bay, near Whitby, York- shire.

LLOYD, SAMUEL, Lieutenant, awarded Gold Medal, on the 18th February 1829, for putting off in a boat with 4 men, and very gallantly rescuing the crew, consisting of 10 men, of the Spanish brig Capricho, which was wrecked at Ballycotton, Ire- land.

[To be continued on February 1,1879.].