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DOUGLAS, ISLE or MAN.—On the 16th September, at 1 P.M., a vessel was observed about eight miles off Douglas Head showing signals of distress. The wind *?as blowing a whole gale from the W. at the time. The No. 2 Life-boat, John Turner- Turner, immediately put off to her assistance, and found it was the brigantine Delhi, of Belfast, 128 tons register, bound from Pools to Euncorn with a cargo of china clay. Her decks were completely swept by the sea; she was leaking badly, and was apparently foundering. Her crew of 6 men were in a most exhausted condition, having been hard at work at the pumps for some time, and were with difficulty clinging to the rigging. The Lifeboat with great difficulty succeeded in getting close to the vessel, took the men off, and landed them at Douglas at 8.30 P.M.

The vessel subsequently foundered..