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The Walmer Life-Boat

HARK ! a distant gun is sounding .

O'er the waters, wildly bounding; Raging waves are fast surrounding Some wrecked ship to-night On the shore the breakers, roaring, Loud as thunder now are pouring; Far a signal high is soaring, Like a phantom light.

* Reprinted, with the kind permission of the Authors and Publishers, from Chambers's Journal.

and stars their aid denying, E'en to seek the living—dying— Who, to prayers and tears replying, Will the tempest face ? Oh! for some brave ocean-ranger, Who would, through the cold and danger, Go to save, perchance, one stranger'! Silence, for a space.

Hark ! the Life-boat bell is ringing, I Gallant men are forward springing, ] Life, home, fear—away they 're flinging, I So the lost they save.

: Rockets now are brightly flashing; Through the shingle sharply crashing, I Off the Life-boat s swiftly dashing.

j Heaven guard the brave ! | Through the night, that wanes so slowly, i " Little ones," in accents holy, j Mothers, wives, in dwellings lowly, I Breathe their heartfelt prayer.

I When the stormy eea is swelling, I Aching hearts in regal dwelling, All their pride and power quelling, Kneel as helpless there.

While the torches, dimly burning, Show the tide at last is turning, Hundreds wait, for tidings yearning, Watch, with eager eyes : See! the first faint glimpse of morning Now the eastern sky adorning ; Hark! the soldier's bugle, warning That the sun doth rise.

Then a little speck grows clearer, Draws—it seems but slowly—nearer, Seen by those to whom 'tis dearer— Known by them too well! Brighter now the morn is growing, Clearer, still, and clearer, throwing Light upon the billows, showing 'Tis no dream we tell.

Fast the fatal sands they 're leaving; Hail! the Life-boat, proudly cleaving, Where the angry sea is heaving Mountain-waves of foam.

Onward, homeward, quickly nearing, 'Mid the ringing, deaf'ning cheering, Loving words of welcome hearing, Greet the conquerors home.

Far away the wreck is lying; But they bring, 'neath colours flying, Five poor Frenchmen, spared from dying, Safe to England's isle.

English hands they 're warmly pressing, English children they're caressing, Asking, praying, Heaven's blessing, With a tear and smile.

Simple words tell acts of daring— Unknown heroes laurels wearing, Brother-like all honour sharing, Now and evermore.

Speed the Life-boat, England's daughters; Bless her path across the waters; Tell her gallant deeds of glory; Spread the truthful, noble story, Far from England's shore.