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Services of the Freemasons' Albert Edward Life-Boat

IT will be remembered that at a special meeting of Grand Lodge, held more than a year ago, it was decided that the sum of 4,000?. should be voted to the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE BOAT INSTITUTION, for the purpose of founding two Life-boat Stations to commemorate the thankfulness of the Freemasons of England for the safe return ] from India of their Grand Master, his Royal Highness the PRINCE OF WALES. On this decision being communicated to the LIFE- BOAT INSTITUTION, it at once submitted to the officers of Grand Lodge two places needing Life-boats, namely, Clacton-on- Sea, on the Essex coast, and Hope Cove, near Salcombe, on the Devonshire coast.

The EARL or CARNARVON, the EARL OF DONOUGHMORE, LORD SKELMERSDALE, and other members of the craft fully approved of the selection of these two places for the memorial Life-boats. Three or four months ago both Stations were reported officially by the Institution to be in Working order, and ready to be publicly inaugurated; but considering the season of the year, it was suggested that that ceremony might advantageously be postponed till the first or second week in priate and active memorials to com- memorate an event that will ever be dear to his Royal Highness the Grand Master ! and the craft at large. Through the courtesy of the Secretary of the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, we are enabled to place the following particulars of the ! service before our readers, particulars ; which clearly show how admirably and j systematically the work of our great i aad NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION is carried on:— July. Meanwhile, both Life-boats, being on their Stations, were ready to render, at a moment's notice, any service tha

t; might be required of them by a ship- wrecked crew. Thus the Clacton Life- boat, the Albert Edward, has had an early opportunity of saving 9 persons from a watery grave. The event clearly shows the wisdom of placing her on that im- portant Station previous to the public demonstration in July, and, we may add, the wisdom also of selecting such appro- National Life-boat Institution.




The brig Garland, laden with 500 tons of coal, bound from South Shields to London, went ashore on the Gunfleet Sands, about S.S.W. of Clacton-on-Sea Pier, in the early part of the morning of May 23. The wind was blowing hard, and although no signals of distress were hoisted by the brig (owing to her having none on board), the representatives of the Local Committee considered it necessary for the Life-boat to put off to her, feeling almost sure that she would not come off the Bands again, and that the CFCAV must leave her. The Albert Edward was launched about 10 A.3t., reached the brig about 1 P.M., and found her fast filling with water and breaking up. About 3 P.M. the crew, 6 men and 3 boys, abandoned her, and were safely landed at Clacton-on-Sea, at 5 P.M. A large number of persons were on the Pier to welcome the return of the Life-boat.


1. Name of vessel, and where belonging to.

2. Same of master, and of owners.

3. Kig, tonnage, number of crew, and persons on board the vessel.

4. Where from? Where bound to ?

5. What cargo? or in ballast?

6. Probable value of ship and cargo.

7. Wind, weather, and state of sea.

8. Time of day. State of tide.

9. Exact spot where wrecked.

10. Number of lives saved by the Life-boat.

11. Number of lives lost.

12. Supposed cause of wreck.

13. Was it a total wreck, or stranded, or sunk ? 14. Time of launching Life-boat.

15. Time of reaching wreck.

16. Time of returning ashore.

17. How did the Boat be- have ? 18. By whose authority was she ordered out ? ANSWERS AND REMARKS.

1. The Garland, of South Shields.

2. George Gibson. George Gibson, Sen.

3. Brig, 283 tons register, 9.

4. Tyne, to London.

5. Coal. 500 tons.

6. About 2,500/. to 3,UOO/.

7. S.S.W. Strong wind. Sea short.

8. About 3 A.M. About high water.

S). Gunfleet Sands, about S.S.W. of Clacton-on-Sea Pier.

10. Nine.

11. None.

12. Thick and squally weather.

13. Likely to become a total wreck, li. About 10 A.M.

15. About 1 i-.ji.

16. 5 V.M.

17. Capitally.

18. The Committee.

QUERIES. ANSWERS AND REMARKS. 19. Was any damage done 19. No. to the Boat? Extent of repairs required. ! Number Number of Times Special of Times Special 20. State the names of the 20.

crew of the Life-boat Names of Crew. afloat in the Life-boat. Risk, if any. Names of Crew.

i afloat in the Life-boat. Risk, if any. on this occasion, and number of times these men have been off in Robt. Legerton. 1 Nil. Harry Hill . . 1 Nil. the Life-boat to a Wm. Willis. . 1 » Benjn. Ardiss . 1 „ wreck ; noting (in the third column) any special case of indi- vidual exertion. Robt. Osborne .

John Tyne . .

Jas. Cross .

John Green. 1 I 1 1 J) J) » :; Isaac Root . .

Maurice Nicholls Robt. Seaman .

Jos. D. Pearce . 1 1 1 1 ;" 21. Amount, if any, of re- 21. None. ward received locally or from elsewhere. 22. Amount,, if any, of 22.. None. salvage. (Signed) ROBERT LEGERTOS, Coxswain Superintendent. Certified. (Signed) FRED. J. NUNN, Honorary Secretary. Sate, 23rd May 1878. CLACTON'-ON-SEA LIFE-BOAT. Case of the Wrecli of tlie " Garland." A RETURN OB' THE EXPENSES incurred by the Albert Edward Life-boat, on the 23rd May 187 in rendering assistance to the Grew of the Garland, as per annexed Wreck Return.

Nature of Expense.

1.—Life-boat crew of 12 men for service on the' 23rd May, by saving in S.S.W. wind, the lives of 9 persons from the Garland, wrecked on Gunfleet Sands ; at 10s. each man 2.—20 persons for assisting to launch and haul up the Life-boat; at 2s. eacht person ' 3.—The hire of 6 horses, or other means, for transport of the Life-boat, atl 3s. 6rf. each horse; 3 men with horses, Is. each . I TOTAL £ £. s. d. I) 0 0 2 0 0 1 4 0 9 ; 4 0 We hereby certify that the services above stated were actually performed, and that the items specified are correct.

Given under our hands this 24th day of May 1878.

(Signed) FRED. J. NUNN, Honorary Secretary.

( „ ) GEO, W. DUNN, Officer of Coastguard or Customs.

( „ ) RO-BT. LEGERTON, Coxswain of Life-boat.

To the Secretary of the Royal National Life-boat Institution.


Crew behaved well, and had some rough work to encounter. The Coxswain is thorough master of his boat, and the crew speak in high terms of him and the Albert Edward.



May 25.—Received and acknowledged.

„ 27.—Forwarded draft for SI. 4s. to local Honorary Secretary..