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Phoenix, Admiral, Mary, James,and Mary Anne

THURSO, N.B.—On the evening of the 7th March, the wind blew a heavy gale here from the N.N.W. to N.W., and the harbour master and Custom House officer at Scrabster were apprehensive that if the sea got heavier as the night advanced, the crews of some of the vessels which were lying too far out in the bay might be endangered. The Life-boat Charley Lloyd, stationed at Scrabster, therefore, proceeded out, took off the crews, numbering 13 men in all, from the schooners, Phoenix, of London, Mary, of Inverness, and Admiral of Thurso, and landed them at Scrabster Quay. She then went out again, and asked all the crews of the other vessels in the bay whether they wished to be taken ashore. The crews, consisting of 7 men, of the schooner James, of Thurso, and smack Mary Anne, of St. Andrew's, accepted the offer of the Life-boat, and were also safely landed. Fortunately, the whole of the vessels rode out the gale in safety.