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Olive Branch

WATCHET.—On the 29th March, the sloop Olive Branch, of Cardiff, exhibited a signal of distress. The Life-boat Joseph Somes immediately proceeded to her assistance, and by skilful management she succeeded in getting alongside to leeward of the vessel, when the crew, consisting of3 men, jumped into the boat, and were brought safely ashore. The severity of the gale had caused the vessel to drag her anchors, and she had stranded at Warren Shore, about one mile from Watchet, but was subsequently got off.

She was bound from Shirehampton to Newport, in ballast. The Life-boat had previously been out to the stranded trow .Base, of Gloucester, but that crew was saved by the coastguard and fishermen by means of life-lines, &c., the water being too shallow for the Life-boat to approach the wreck..