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Medals of the Institution Granted to Naval and Marine Officers

IT has been repeatedly suggested that we, the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITU- TION might publish a list of those officers of has been awarded. We accordingly the Royal Navy and Marines now living to place the same before our readers. It will whom either the Gold or Silver Medal of . be seen that in nearly every instance when the Medal was voted the officer bore a lower rank than that which he now has the honour to occupy.

We need hardly add that numerous other Medals for gallant deeds in saving life from shipwreck have been voted by the Institution from time to time to other Naval Officers who have since died; and we hope at some future period to publish nar- ratives of their services.


BAKER ('. H., Lieutenant, H.M. Coastguard, (now Captain), awarded Silver Medal for putting off in a boat, with 4 men, and saving, in several trips, after two fruitless efforts, in which the boat was filled with water and thrown back on the beach, the crew, consisting of 18 men, from the ship Bristol, which was wrecked between Dym- church and Hy the, Kent, on the 9th November 1835.

BOYLE, Lieutenant the Hon. E. F., H.M. Coast Guard (now Commander), awarded Silver Medal for different services in the Tenby Life-boat, and especially for going in the boat to the brig Policy, of Sunderland, which vessel was wrecked, during a heavy gale, on Monkstone Rocks, on the 6th November 1859. He subsequently' assisted in rescuing the shipwrecked men by means of the rocket apparatus, the Life-boat having been unable to accomplish the rescue, her cable having parted.

CAMERON, O. S., Commander, Inspecting Officer of H.M. Coastguard at Newcastle, Co. Down, awarded Silver Medal for putting off in a boat, with 2 of his men, and, at great risk, saving the crew of 4 men of the brigantine Fame, of Maryport, wrecked off Newcastle, during a strong S.E. wind and very heavy sea, on the 3rd December 1876.

CAY, R. B., Captain, Inspecting Commander, H.M. Coastguard, Penzance, awarded Silver Medal in recognition of his gallant services in the Pen- zance Life-boat en the occasion of the wreck of the barque North Britain, of Southampton, during a fearful gale from the S.S.W. on the 6th December 1868.

DAVIES, THOMAS, Captain, Inspecting Com- mander, H.M. Coastguard, Great Yarmouth, awarded Silver Medal for bravery in going out in the Yarmouth surf Life-boat and assisting to rescue 5 men from the smack John Bull, stranded off that port, on the 17th February 1860.

ELTON, Vf. H., Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at Lyme Regis (now Commander), awarded Silver Medal for putting off in a Coastguard boat, with 5 men, and saving 2 men from the schooner Vulcan and 1 man from the schooner Maria, which vessels were in dangerous positions near the beach at Lyme Regis, during a heavy S.AY. gale, on the 18th January 1867.

ESSELL, W. F., Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at Carnsore, Ireland (now Commander), awarded Gold Medal, on the 28th February 1838, for swim- ming out twice to the sloop Anne and Elizabeth, which was wrecked off Carnsore. On the first occasion he was nearly drowned ; nevertheless he persevered, and ultimately he succeeded in convey- ing a rope to the vessel, by means of which her crew were rescued.

FELLOWES, T. H. B., Captain, Inspecting Com- mander of H.M. Coastguard at Penzance, awarded Silver Medal for going out in the Penzance Life- boat and assisting to rescue the crew of 8 men from the distressed brig Willie Ridley, of Ply- mouth, during stormy weather, on the 29th January 1865.

HESSLOW, F. J. F., Lieutenant, H.M. Coast- guard at Dungeness (now Commander), awarded Silver Medal, on the 20th September 1832, for going out in the Life-boat at that place, and gal- lantly assisting to save the crew of 11 men from the brig Osiris, wrecked near Dungeness.

HOWORTH, W., Commander, II.M. Coastguard, Penzance, awarded Silver Medal in acknowledg- ment of his services on the occasions of the rescue, by the Penzance Life-boat, of the crews, con- sisting of 12 men, from the brig Otto, of Moss, Norway, and the Marie Emilie, of L'Orient, on the 26th January and 2nd February 1873.

Huss, T., Master's Assistant, H.M.S. Saver (now Staff Commander), awarded Silver Medal, on 13th March 1833, for gallantly assisting to save the crew of 10 men from the brig Erin, wrecked on Plymouth Breakwater.

HUTCHISON, W., Lieutenant (now Commander), awarded Gold Medal, on llth November 1829, for very gallantly putting off, with 12 men, in a Life- boat from Kingstown, Ireland, and saving 11 persons from the brig Duke, wrecked at Dalkey.

JESSE, R., Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at Tenby (now Commander), awarded Silver Medal for gallant conduct in putting off in a boat, with 11 men, and saving 8 persons from the schooners Agenoria, of Bideford, and Alexandre, of Havre, on the 18th December 1856.

JOHNSON, W. W. P., Lieutenant (now Admiral), awarded Gold Medal, on 10th February 1830, for courageously putting off in a boat, with others, and assisting to rescue 1C persons from the ship Mountaineer, wrecked on Walmer Beach.

LANGTON, T. W., Lieutenant of H.M. Coast- guard at Belhelvil, N.B. (now Commander), awarded Silver Medal, on 10th March 1830, in acknowledg- ment of his gallant services at the wreck of the smack Fame, in Aberdeen Bay, on which occasion 5 of the crew and passengers were saved by a boat, and 9 were rescued by the rocket apparatus.

LYONS, WILLIAM, Lieutenant (now Commander), awarded two Silver Medals, in the years 1831 and 1840, in recognition of his gallant services in assisting to save, at different periods, 2 persons from the brig Lady Montgomerie, wrecked at Salt- coats, near Ardrossan, N.B., and 4 persons from the sloop Industry, of Belfast, wrecked in Glenarm Bay, Ireland.

PRIOR, T. H., Lieutenant of H.M. Coastguard at Brighton (now Commander), awarded Silver Medal, on the 17th December 1840, in recognition of his highly meritorious services on the occasion of the wreck of the brigs Mary and Oferton, and the schooner Sir John Seale, at Brighton and Eottingdean, when he assisted, by rope communi- cation and wading into the surf, in saving the crews of those vessels, consisting in all of 22 persons.

ROBERTSON, D., Captain (now Rear-Admiral ROBERTSON-MACDONALD), awarded Silver Medal, in acknowledgment of his praiseworthy services in going off in the Yarmouth and Gorleston Life- boats on the 13th and 14th February 1870, and assisting to save 12 persons from the brig Gwvan- nina A., of Venice, and schooner Favorite, of Arbroath, wrecked respectively at Gorleston and Yarmouth.

ROBERTSON, J. H. M., Lieutenant of H.M.

Coastguard at Ballinacourty, Ireland (now Com- mander), awarded Silver Medal, on 21st June 1837, for gallantry in putting off in a boat and assisting to save the crew, consisting of 2 men, of a small hooker wrecked on the Trout Rock, near Galway, Ireland.

STUART, T., Lieutenant (now Captain), awarded, in the years 1834 and 1838, two Silver Medals for gallantly assisting, on different occasions, to rescue the crews, consisting of 9 men, from the sloop James and the sloop Edward, of Cork, wrecked on the Irish coast.

VICARY, WILLIAM, Lieutenant of H.M. Coast- guard at Atherfield, Isle of Wight, awarded Gold Medal, on 8th February 1843, in acknowledgment of his very gallant services on the occasion of the wreck of the brig George, at Atherfield, Isle of Wight, when 11 of her crew were rescued by means of the rocket apparatus and boats.

WAKE, B. A., Midshipman, H.M.S. Forester (now Captain), awarded Silver Medal, in recognition of his gallant conduct during a hurricane on the night of the I3th February 1833, when that vessel went ashore on the Crow Bar, and subsequently drifted on to Crather Point, on the Island of Scilly, on which occasion Mr. WAKE took a line in his mouth, and, dashing through the waves, at the imminent peril of his life, succeeded in getting a hawser on shore, by means of which an officer and 1C men were brought to land.

WARD, J. R., Commander (now Rear-Admiral), Inspector of Life-boats, awarded Silver Medal, on 11th November 1852, in consideration of the risk of life he had incurred while making experimental trials with new Life-boats, during rough weather, on the coast of Northumberland.

WASEY, E. F. N. K., Captain, Inspecting Officer of H.M. Coastguard at Fleetwood, awarded Silver Medal, and Second and Third Service Clasps, in the year 1860, in acknowledgment of his intrepid services in going out on three occasions in the Fleetwood Life-boat, and assisting to rescue 21 men from the wrecked schooners Ann Mitchell, of Montrose, Catherine, of Newry, and barque Ver- mont, of Halifax, N.S.


FESTING, F. W., Major, R.M.A. (now Colonel Sir F. W. TESTING, K.C.M.G., C.B.), awarded Silver Medal, for putting off in an open boat, with 12 fishermen, and, at great risk, saving 3 of the crew of the schooner Ocean, of Plymouth, which was wrecked, during a heavy gale, on Woolsiner Shoal, near Hayling Island, on the 14th January 1865.

RATE, H. R., Lieutenant, R.M., awarded Silver Medal, on 8th December 1847, for gallantly putting off in a boat, with 7 men, and rescuing 7 men from the ship Ninean Lindsay, which was wrecked on the Tun Bank, near Londonderry.