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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee

THURSDAY, 4th October, 1877: THOMAS CHAPMAN, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., Chairman of the Institution, in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspon- dence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Also the Report of Rear-Admiral D. ROBERT- SON-MACDONALD, Assistant-Inspector of Life- boats to the Institution, on his recent visits to Palling, Hasborough, Bacton, Mundesley, Cromer, j Sheringham, Blakeney, Wells, Brancaster, Huu- stanton, and Cleethorpes.

Also the report of Captain C. GRAY JONES, R.N., Assistant-Inspector of Life-boats, on his visits to the Life-boat Stations at Longhope, Stromness, and Thurso.

Reported the receipt of a contribution amount- ing to 1,028?. from the Victoria Club Subscription raised to provide a Life-boat as a memorial of the late Admiral Rous.—The amount was handed to the Institution by H. W. ULPH, Esq., and GEORGE LAMBERT, Esq., Treasurers of the Fund.

Decided that the Donors be thanked, and that their gift be appropriated to the complete renova- tion of the Life-boat Station at Withernsea, on the Coast of Yorkshire, a new Life-boat, transporting carriage, and boat-house being provided for that place.

Reported also the receipt of the following other special contributions since the last meeting:— £. s. d.

Mrs. TUKSER, Liverpool . . . . 100 - 0 0 " E. V. A.," additional 500 Collected on board the S. S. Elysia, per Capt. A. M. RITCHIE 1 15 3 —To be severally thanked.

Also that the late Mrs. JANE GRAHAM GILBERT, of Torkhill, N.B., had left the Institution a legacy of 250?., through its Glasgow Branch.

The Committee expressed their regret at the lamented death of Capt. J. D'OLIER GEORGE, who had for many years past been the active and valued Honorary Secretary of the Cahore (Co. Wexf ord) Branch of the Institution.

Paid 3,135?. 2s. Sd. for sundry charges on various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 28?. 4s. to pay the expenses of the Castle- town Life-boat in rendering the following ser- vices :— Lives saved.

Barque Blanche et Louis, of Nantes. . . 4 Schooner Maggie Kelso, of Ardrossan . . 3 Reported that the Broadstairs Life-boat' had rendered the following services:— Sloop Pctllat,of Jersey, assisted to save vessel and crew, 5; yacht If elite, of London, rendered assistance.

The particulars of these services will be found on pages 192-3 of the last Number of the Life-boat Journal.

Voted also 69?. 2s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Life-boats at Caister, Great Yarmouth, Kingsdowne, and New Romney, in either assembling their crews or going off in reply to signals of distress shown by vessels which did not ultimately need assistance.

The Ramsgate and Douglas Life-boats had also been taken out with the view of aiding distressed vessels.

Voted 13?. to 12 men, of Kinsale, Ireland, for putting off in two boats and saving 5 of the crew of a Seine boat of Old Head, County Donegal, which had been capsized off Blackhead during a S.W.

wind and heavy sea, on the 28th August.

Also 8?. 10s. to 8 men for putting off in a boat and, at much risk to life, saving 3 men belonging to the fishing-boat St. Columb which had been capsized by a heavy sea off Troy Island, County Donegal, on the 28th May.

Also 31. 10s. to 7 men, of Swanage, Dorset, for putting off in a boat and saving the fishing-boat Ranger and her crew of 2 men, that boat having lost her gear and sails during a strong W.N.W.

wind, on the 3rd September.

THURSDAY, 1st November: The Chairman of the Institution in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Correspond- ence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees.

Also the Report of Rear-Admiral J. R. WARD, Inspector of Life-boats to the Institution, on his recent visit to Clacton-on-Sea.

Also the Report of Rear-Admiral R. MACDONALD, Assistant-Inspector, on his visits to Duubar, Holy- head, Cemlyn, and Rhoscolvn.

Also the Report of Captain JOKES, R.N., Assist- ant Inspector, on his visits to Huna, Ackergill, Los- siemouth, Buckle, Banff, Peterhead, Cruden, New- burgh, Stonehaven, Montrose, Arbroath, Dundee, and St. Andrew's.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last Meeting :— £. *. d.

Lord OVERSIONE, additional . . . 100 0 0 Collected at the Glasgow Custom House, per T. MILLER, Esq., and Mr. M. O'HALLORAN, additional . 65 14 0 HENRY M. HARVEY, Esq., Hexworthy, additional 50 0 0 Bristol Histrionic Club, annual contri- bution in aid of the support of their Life-boat at Lossiemouth, N.B.. 50 0 0 Miss ENGLISH and Officers and Chil- dren of Licensed Victuallers' School, in aid of support of Licensed Vic- tualler, Life-boat at Hunstanton, ad- ditional 440 Collected on board the S.S. Utopia, per Capt. CRAIG 2 18 11 Collected on board the Allan Line S.S.

Phoenician, per Capt. J. SCOTT . , 113 Collected on board the S.S. King Er- • man, per Capt. G. KEMP .... 110 —To be severally thanked.


Reported that the following legacies had been be- queathed to the Institution:— £. s. d.

The late Miss CHARLOTTE SPURRELL, of Brampton, Norfolk (for Great Yarmouth Branch) 100 0 0 The late Miss ELEANOR BATT, of Wes- ton-Super-Mare (to Bristol branch) (duty free) 50 0 0 Reported also that the new Life-boats for Cru- den, Newburgh, and Huna (N.B.), and Cemlyn (Anglesey), had been duly forwarded to their stations.

Decided, on the application of the Local Resi- dents, and the recommendation of the Inspector of lite-boats, to form a Life-boat Station at Tralee Bay, Ireland.

The site of ground for the Life-boat House was generously given by J. HURLY, Esq., of Fenit.

The cost, amounting to 1,000?., of the Station had also been presented to the Institution by R. G.

BUTCHER, Esq., of Dublin, in memory of his father, the late Admiral BUTCHER, and his brother, the late learned Bishop of MEATH, the Life-boat being named the Admiral Butcher.

—To be severally thanked.

Reported the receipt of SOOl. from Mrs. A. BOWER, of Lessness Heath, for the new Life-boat Esta- blishment in course of formation at Ackergill, near Wick, N.B.

Decided that Mrs. BOWER be thanked, and that the Boat be named, in accordance with her request, the George and Isabella.

Decided also, in accordance with the request of the Local Committee, to place an additional new Life-boat, on the tubular plan, on the New Brighton Station.

The expense of the new Life-boat had been defrayed by a Friend of the Branch.

Also to replace the present Life-boat at Dover by a new and larger boat, and thoroughly to reno- vate the Life-boat house.

Reported that Captain T. B. GIBBS, Honorary Secretary of the Teignmouth Branch, had recently organised a bazaar there with the view of raising the cost of an additional Life-boat to be placed on the West Coast of England. Altogether the bazaar had realised 326?. 9s. Id., including the handsome con- tribution of 100?. from B. A. ARNOLD, Esq., Chair- man of the Branch, who had kindly allowed the bazaar to be held in the grounds of his house. De- cided that the special thanks of the Institution be presented to Mr. ARNOLD, Captain GIBBS, and the ladies and gentlemen who assisted them at the bazaar.

The Committee expressed their regret at the death of Captain PUCKFORD, R.N., who had for many years been Chairman of the Plymouth Branch of the Institution, and had long been a warm friend of the Life-boat cause.

Paid 1,701?. 8s. 2 ?. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 19?. 11s. to pay the expenses of the Cemaes and Teignmouth Life-boats, in rendering the following services:— Lives saved.

Ship Sarah, of Yarmouth, N. S 18 Three Teignmouth fishing-boats 10 Reported that the Buddon Ness, Broughty Ferry, and Lowestoft Life-boats had respectively per- formed the following services:— Brig Alma, of Drammen, rendered assistance.

Brig Hope, of Hartlepool, assisted to save vessel and crew of 8 men.

[The particulars of these services will be found on page 209 of the Life-boat Journal.] Voted 104?. 17s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Life-boats at Castletown, Skegness, Rye, Win- chelsea, Plymouth, Swansea, Cleethorpes, Bran- caster, Courtmacsherry, Torquay, and Ballywalter, in either assembling their crews, or patting off in reply to signals of distress exhibited by vessels not ultimately needing the aid of the boats.

The Ramsgate Life-boat had also again been taken out with the view of assisting a distressed vessel.

Reported that the EMPEROR OF AUSTRIA, bad presented, through the Austro-Hungarian Consular Agent at Waterford, Ireland, a silver Cross of Merit to each of the two coxswains of the Cahore Life-boat, and 11?. to her crew in recognition of their services on the occasion of the rescue by that Life-boat of the crew, consisting of 13 men, from the barque Nanta, of Lussino, which was wrecked on the Rusk Bank during a strong S.E. gale, on the 18th January last.

Voted 1?. to 2 men for putting off in a boat and saving 4 persons from a fishing-boat of Lunnasting, which had been too deeply laden with fish, and was in a sinking condition near Whalsey Sound on the 13th September.

Also 4?. to some men for going to the rescue of the crew of the wrecked flat Blue Jacket, of Liver- pool, on the 7th October.

THURSDAY, 6th December: The Chairman of the Institution in the Chair.

Read and approved the Minutes of the previous Meeting, and those of the Finance and Corre- spondence, and Wreck and Reward Sub-Com- mittees.

Also the Report of the Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visits to Eastbourne, Liverpool, and New Brighton.

Also the report of Assistant-Inspector Rear- Admiral R. MACDONALD, on his visits to New- haven, Eastbourne, Hastings, Rye, and Winchelsea.

Also the report of Assistant-Inspector Captain JONES, R.N., on his visits to Cruden, Thurso, Anstruther, Port Patrick, North Berwick, Dunbar, and Eyemouth.

Reported the receipt of 900?. from -Mrs. HAR- QREAVES, of Cleygate, near Esher, to defray the cost of the Life-boat Station now being formed by the Institution at Dartmouth.

Decided that Mrs. HAROREAVES be thanked for her munificent gift, and that the Life-boat be named, in accordance with her request, the Maud Sargreaves.

Reported also the receipt of the following other special contributions since the last meeting:— Collected by Lady ERROLL towards the f. s. d.

Cruden Bay Life-boat Station . . 175 4 11 FRANCIS JAMES, Esq., Cromwell Road 50 0 0 Miss HANNAH HARVIE, additional . 50 0 0 "H. M." 25 0 0 Contents of Life-boat box and collec- tions during the half year ending June 1877, on behalf of Clevedon Life-boat Fund, per Mrs. LAVING- TON, Clevedon, additional ... 573 Collected on board the Saloon Steamer, Albert Edward, per Mr. F. WATT, additional 243 Offertory in Harby Church, Melton Mowbray, on Sunday, 4th November, per Rev. M. O. NORMAN, additional 214 Portion of Harvest Collection in Chil- ton Parish Church, Suffolk, per Rev.

HERBERT SMITH, additional . . 1 10 0 —To be severally thanked.


223 Reported that the following legacies had been bequeathed to the Institution:— The late Miss MARGARET ANDERSON, £. s. d.

of Leamington, for a Life-boat to be named the Hector 500 0 0 The late Madame E. H. POLAR, of Brussels 100 0 0 The late Miss MART ANN CHRISTMAS, of Great Yarmouth 50 0 0 Reported that the Ramsgate Life-boat, the cost of which was presented to the Institution by the town of Bradford in 1865, through the Bradford Branch of the Institution, had been permanently disabled by coming into collision with her Consort, the harbour steam-tug Vulcan, when proceeding to a wreck on the night of the 6th November last Arrangements were at once made by the Insti- tution to send to Ramsgate a temporary small new Life-boat until the large Life-boat, which was being built for the Station, was completed.

The temporary Life-boat arrived at Ramsgate on the morning of the llth November, and before daybreak the next morning she was called out on service, and was the means of rescuing the crew of 5 men of the wrecked schooner George and Valen- tine, of Dunkirk, besides assisting to save the barque Noach /., of Rotterdam, and her crew of 2 men.

Immediately the people of Bradford heard of the accident they organised a subscription to defray the cost of a new Life-boat, and in a short time contributed the whole amount of her cost (7181.).

Reported that the new Life-boat for Port Patrick, N.B., had been transmitted to its Station, and that its first public launch had taken place there on the 15th December (see p. 220.) Paid 6,0851. 9s. 8d. for sundry charges on various Life-boat Establishments.

Voted 3781. 8s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the Life-boats at Deal, Bembridge, Holyhead, St.

David's, Margate, Lowestoft, Abersoch, Thurso, Great Yarmouth, Broadstairs, Howtb, Porthoustock, Llanddwyn, Padstow, Kessiugland, and Harwich, in rendering the folio whig services:— Lives saved.

Swedish barque Hedvig Sophia 12 French brig D'Artagnan 5 Ship Crusader, of Liverpool 22 Brigantine John Douse, of Falmouth.... 2 Barque Alpheta, of Shoreham 12 Three-masted schooner James Carthy ... 10 Brigantine Mystic Tie, of Ardrossan .... 7 Barque Hero, of North Shields . . . . .15 Fishing-boat Pet, of Lowestoft . . . . .11 Schooner Jane Ellen, of Nefyn 3 Schooners Vine, Barrogill Castle, Kate, Guiding I „« Star, and Alfred and Emma I Schooner Agnes and Helen, of Bangor ... 4 Brig Beatrix, of Whitby 6 Schooner Allerton Packet, of Whitstable . . 5 Schooner Jane Cameron 5 Smack Arrow, of Guernsey, remained by vessel.

Ship Ceres, of Greenock " 23 Schooner Fred Eugene, of Portland, Maine. . 9 SS. Oqmore, of Hayle, remained by vessel.

Brig Lady Havelock 8 Barque Jacob Langstrum, of Gothenburg . . 8 The Life-boats at Margate, Caister, Gorleston, Ramsgate, Broadstairs, Courtown, and New Brigh- ton, had also rendered the following services:— Schooner Louisa, of Weymouth, saved vessel and crew of 7 men; barque Augia, of Guernsey, as- sisted to save vessel and 10; brigs Craigs, of Whitby, and Lily, of Guernsey, assisted to save vessels and crews, 9 men ; barque Anna Maria, of Blyth, saved vessel and crew, 7; schooner George and Valentine, of Dunkirk, 5 ; barque Noach I., of Rotterdam, assisted to save vessel and crew, 20; fishing-boat Success, of Ramsgate, rendered assist- ance ; schooner Gleaner, of Southampton, assisted to save vessel and crew, 4; brigantine Mermaid, assisted to save vessel; schooner Starling, of Goole, brig Happy Return, of Guernsey, and brig Reward, of Guernsey, assisted to save vessels and crews, 21; s.s. Rainton, of Glasgow, rendered assistance; s.s. Bohemian, of Liverpool, remained by vessel, [The particulars of these services will be found detailed on pages 209-215 of the Life-boat Journnl.] Voted also 466Z. 2s. to pay the expenses of the Life-boats at Walmer, Pakefield, Penarth, Caister, Montrose, Deal, Great Yarmouth, Kingsdowne, Mar- gate, Southwold, Newhaven, Arklow,Porthdinllaen, Portmadoc, Lowestoft, Dover, Hartlepool, New Brighton, Longhope, Brixham, Hythe, Rye, Har- wich, and Kingsgate in either assembling their crews, or putting off to the aid of vessels which did not eventually require their assistance.

Voted the Silver Medal of the Institution, and a copy of the vote inscribed on vellum, to Mr.

ROBERT WILDS, Coxswain of the Deal Life-boat, in acknowledgment of his general services in that Lifeboat, and particularly on the night of the 1st December, when that boat rescued 22 persons from the ship Crusader, of Liverpool.

Also the Second Service Clasp to Mr. WILLIAM GRANT, Coxswain of the Margate Lifeboat, in re- cognition of his services in that beat on the 25th November.

Also the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum to Capt. HICKS, Coxswain of the St. David's Life-boat, and to Capt. REES, Bowman of that boat, in acknowledgment of their praiseworthy conduct on the occasion of the rescue of 7 of the crew of the brigantine Mystic Tie, of Ardrossan, on the 12th November.

Also the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum to Mr. JOHN SWANSON, Hon. Secretary of the Thurso Branch of the Institution, in acknow- ledgment of his continued valuable co-operation.

CIVIL SERVICE LIFE-BOAT FUND.—The annual meeting of the committee of this fund was held on the 9th January at the General Post Office. The chair was occupied by W. H. HAINES, Esq. (of the House of Lords), and after a balance-sheet had been laid before the committee by CHARLES TUR- NER, Esq. (Controller and Accountant General of the Inland Revenue), the report for the past year was read by the honorary secretary, CHARLES DIB- DIN, Esq. (of the General Post Office), showing a steady increase in the number of subscribers, which has now reached 3,621, or 3,200 more than there were five years ago. In November last the fund presented a first-class Life-boat, named the Civil Service No. 3, to the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT IN- STITUTION, which was immediately placed by the Institution at Port Patrick, in Scotland, where many fearful wrecks have taken place during the last twenty years. This station has been esta- blished in consequence of a petition from the prin- cipal inhabitants of the neighbouring coast, and on the advice of Lloyd's Agent. The fund has now built and supports three Life-boats, The Civil Service at Wexford, the Charles Dibdin at Tyne- mouth, and the Civil Service No. 3 at Port Patrick, and has been the means of saving 104 lives, in- cluding 6 in 1877. The report concluded with a special appeal for funds to replace without delay the Boat Civil Service, which has rendered noble service during the last ten years, but is now worn out..