Signals of Distress
Required to Tie used and displayed on and after the 1st November, 1873, in accordance with the 18th section of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1873.
"In Die Day-time,—The following si, together or separately, shall be deemed :, numbered 1,2, and 3, when used or displayed to be signals of distress in the day-time:— " 1. A gun fired at inter- vals of about a minute.
"2. The International Code signal of distress in- dicated by N.C.
"3. The distant signal consisting of a square flag, haying either above or below it a ball, or anything resem- bling a ball.
N "At Night.—The following signals, numbered 1,2, and 3, when used or displayed to- gether or separately, shall be deemed to be signals of dis- tress at night:— " 1. A gun fired at inter- vals of about a minute.
" 2. Flames on the ship (as from a burning tar barrel, oil barrel, &c.).
" 3. Rockets or shells of any colour or description fired one at a time at short intervals." And " Any Master of a vessel who uses or displays, or causes or permits any person under his authority to use or display, any of the said signals, except in the case of a vessel being in distress, shall be liable to pay COMPENSATION for any labour undertaken, risk incurred, or loss sustained, in consequence of such signal having been supposed to be a signal of distress; and such compensation may, without prejudice to any other remedy, be recovered in the same manner in which salvage is recoverable."