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CEMAES.—On the 14th October, information was conveyed to the coxswain of the Life-boat that a large vessel was ashore on the Middle Mouse Bocks. It was blowing a hurricane from S.W. at the time, accompanied by a very high sea. The Lifeboat Ashtonian was launched at 7 A.M., and proceeded to the aid of the distressed vessel, which proved to be the ship Sarah, of Yarmouth, N.8., bound from Quebec to Liverpool, with a cargo of timber. Her crew, numbering 18 men, had taken refuge on the rocks. The chief mate was first taken ashore by the Life-boat, which immediately returned to the wreck, and, the wind and tide being against her, she remained there until 3 P.M., when she returned to Oemaes in tow of the steam-tug Great Western, with the remainder of the vessel's crew on board, the rescue of whom from the rocks was a work of great difficulty and danger to the Life-boat and her crew..