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PORTHOUSTOCK, CORNWALL. On the 22nd November, at about 8 P.M., signals of distress were seen off Porthoustock. The Life-boat Mary Ann Story was immediately launched and proceeded to the wreck, reaching the Manacles Rocks at about 8.30. The vessel, which proved to be the ship Ceres, of Greenock, 861 tons, from Moulmein, East Indies, with a cargo of teak wood, was on a most dangerous ledge of rocks called the Dollay Lay. A strong W. gale was blowing at the time, and the sea was running fearfully high, with a heavy ground swell. The Lifeboat successfully veered down on the wreck and rescued 13 of the crew; 10 persons, including the captain's wife, nurse, and 2 children, had previously left in the pinnace. The Life-boat then proceeded in search of the boat, which was found about a mile distant, drifting helplessly with the wind, two of her four oars having been broken by the heavy seas.

These 10 people were also taken on board the Life-boat, and all were safely landed at Porthoustock; 23 persons altogether being thus saved by the Life-boat..