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HARTLEPOOL.—On the 23rd December, at about 7 A.M., the brig Berdinkha, of Hartlepool, ran ashore on the North Sands at half tide. When the tide rose, the sea and wind became stronger, and at about 2.30 P.M. three steam-tugs went to her assistance, but could not render any service owing to the vessel being too far inshore, and the strong sea rolling in. At about 3.45 P.M. those on board the brig, numbering 20 persons (12 of whom had gone on board at low tide to assist in getting her off) made signals of distress.

The rocket apparatus was got out, and with its aid 6 persons were brought ashore. The Life-boat diaries Mather was launched as soon as possible, and succeeded in rescuing the remaining 14 persons from the wreck..