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On the 21st November, at 9 P.M., it was reported that a vessel was ashore on Bembridge Ledge. The wind was blowing a moderate gale from S.W. at the time, accompanied by thick rain. The Life-boat went off, as did also two fishing-boats; the latter conveyed on board 2 pilots and 6 other men, and then returned to shore.

The vessel proved to be the barque Alpheta, of Shoreham, bound from Bremen to Cardiff in ballast. The ship bumped heavily, and was soon bilged and waterlogged ; but there was no imminent danger to life. At 11.30 the Life-boat landed 2 women and 2 children and thfe 8 men taken on board by the fishing-boats; and, after lying off until 1.30 A.M., returned to the shore, the crew preferring to remain by their vessel..