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The Austrian Barque Junak

CASTLETOWN, ISLE OF MAN.—On the 28th May, about 1 A.M., the Castletown Life-boat Commercial Traveller, No. 2, was launched and proceeded to the Austrian barque Junak, of Spalato, which vessel had driven ashore in Castletown Bay, whilst it was blowing a gale from the S.W. The boat was off the carriage for painting, but she was got afloat with great promptness, and the coxswain being absent from severe illness, the Hon. Sec., Mr.

QTJAYLE, also proceeded in the boat, which was successful in rescuing all on board, consisting of 14 persons.

At 9 A.M. this Life-boat again put to sea to render assistance to a vessel in distress off Port St. Mary, which vessel, however, having been got out of danger, the Lifeboat was recalled by signal..