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The Lizzie Male, of Padstow

NEWQUAY, CORNWALL.—At daybreak on the 29th January the Lizzie Male, of Padstow, bound from Swansea to Fecamp, was observed riding at anchor, dismasted, and with a distress signal flying. She was off Towan Head, four miles from the Life-boat Station. It was blowing a strong gale from the N.W. After nearly two hours of hard rowing against a heavy sea the Life-boat succeeded in reaching the disabled vessel, and embarking all on board, 6 in number. The tide being out when the Life-boat regained the shore, and it therefore not being possible to gain the shelter of the quay, it became necessary to run the boat on to the open beach through a very heavy surf, a feat which was so successfully performed as to reflect great credit on the skill of the coxswain.

The abandoned vessel a few hours afterw ards foundered at her anchors..