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The Life-Boat. By the Late Michael Henry


FRESH launched to meet the swelling gale, At morn the gallant ship sets sail; All taut and trim, with canvas gay, Her stemson cleaves the sparkling spray.

The sky is fair—the prosperous breeze Floats softly o'er the glittering seas; The vessel seeks the unknown shore, With Hope's gay pennon at the fore; While rosy beams of morning shine, On yonder blending distance-line.

But hark! what murmuring sounds arise ! What sudden clouds obscure the skies ! The long-lulled wind blows fierce and loud, And sends its shriek round sail and shroud! From stem to stern the breakers dash, Loud peals the awful thunder-crash— Cloud flings to cloud the lightning flash! The Storm! the Storm! Oh, who shall save The vessel from the yawning grave! But see, afar! on yonder crest, A gallant crew the billows breast: Mark each strong arm and stalwart form, The LIFE-BOAT speeds amidst the storm.

It sinks ; it mounts ; it sways ; it glides ; And steadfast cleaves the angry tides— Now flung afar, now hastening near, It scorns the surging waves—'tis here! The ship is saved—it rides the foam : And yonder gleam the lights of Home ! II.

Fresh launched amidst life's varied gale, From Stepney port, we boys set sail, In life's gay morn, when brightly shine The sunbeams on the distance-line.

Well " taught" and trim, with spirits gay, Rigged, braced, and reefed, for life's rough way; The sky is fair—the prosperous breeze Sports gaily o'er life's fitful seas; We gladly seek the unknown shore, With Hope's bright pennon at the fore.

But oh! when furious tempests rise, And gloomy clouds obscure the skies, When waves of darkest danger dash, And lurid strikes the lightning flash, Midst roar of wind and thunder-crash: Oh ! in that hour of doubt and dread, The sunlight of Thy Promise shed ! When none—but Thee—have power to save, Then send Thy Life-Boat o'er the wave.

Thy Life-Boat—FAITH—whose stalwart form Cleaves every wave, aud rides the storm ! No hidden shoal its keel shall strand, 'Tis built by Thine Almighty Hand.

That Boat our trembling souls shall save, When yawns destruction's dreadful wave ! 'Twill bring us through life's varied fate, Through the dark graveyard's harbour gate, Our LIFE-BOAT, till our course is run ; And HEAVEN—Thy Sacred Refuge—won ! [* It should be mentioned that the Jewish Boys and Girls of the United Kingdom have generously presented a Life- boat to the NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION. The fund bad its origin by the much respected author of this Poem, aud in his memory the Beat is named the Michael Henry.~ .