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Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Royal Benevolent Society

THE Thirty-eighth Anniversary of this valuable Society was held at the City Terminus Hotel, on Friday, the 20th April, when its old and valued Chairman, Captain the Hon. FRANCIS MAUDE, R.N., presided with unabated ardour.

Amongst those present were Lord WILLIAM PITT LENNOX ; Admirals Sir CLAUDE BUCKLE, K.C.B., Sir WALTER TABLETON, KC.B., G. S. HAND, C.B., and ALEX. BOYLE ; Captain PHIPPS, R.N.; Captain SHUTTLEWORTH ; Rev. C. CAMPE ; and a number of ladies.

In the course of Ms opening remarks, the Chairman ably advocated the cause of the Society, and drew attention to its truly national claims. The Secretary, Commander W. H. SIMONS, R.N., then read the Report, which stated that 10,386 widows, orphans, and shipwrecked persons had been relieved during the past year, at a cost of 19,839Z., and that 1,965 widows received annual grants, for which purpose the dividends of the funded property are set apart, but were not sufficient last year by 3,4681., which had therefore to be prowled by the generosity of the public, to whom the Committee earnestly appealed for help to meet tne increasing claims. The sailor members had increased in number by 753, making a total of 49,029 seamen and fishermen voluntarily subscribing their 3s. a year.

The Society had acknowledged heroic ex- ertions in saving life on the high seas and in our colonies by giving altogether 36 Gold, 266 Silver Medals, and 2.253Z. 17s. Id.

Various handsome donations, subscrip- tions, and legacies were acknowledged, amongst which were donations of 100Z.

from the Misses HEWITT, and 100Z. from JOHN GORDON, Esq., of Cluny; also be- quests from the late Miss ELIZABETH CAMERON, 250Z.; the late BENAIAH GIBB, Esq., 90Z.; the late Capt. E. BOLD, E.N., 90?.; and the late Rev. Dr. HONG, 5001.

The Committee, in conclusion, confidently appealed to the sympathy and benevolence of the public for increased aid in carrying out to a still greater extent the noble work in which they are engaged on be- half of our seamen, fishermen, and their families.

The Report was unanimously adopted, and the claims of the institution very eloquently advocated by several of the above-named speakers.