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Result, of Guernsey

BERWICK-ON-TWEED.—On the afternoon of the 1st January, when a strong gale from the N.E. and a fresh in the river had set up an unusually heavy sea on the bar of the Tweed, the barque Result, of Guernsey, which was bound from Sombrero to Berwick, was observed running for the entrance of the river; and in anticipation of some mischance the Life-boat Albert Victor was launched. At about 3 P.M., whilst endeavouring to haul to windward to enter the river, the Result was forced to leeward among the breakers on the south side, and finally stranded on a sand-bank, where she remained surrounded by a heavy sea. The Life-boat got alongside as speedily as possible, and was successful in rescuing all on board, 9 persons.

Great risk was undergone by the Life-boat crew in performing this service, which was executed in a skilful manner. Notwithstanding which the boat received some damage..