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CAHORE.—It was blowing a heavy storm from the S.E. on the 18th January, when the barque Nanta, of Lussino, bound from Glasgow to Trieste, was observed ashore on the Rusk Bank off the coast of Wexford.

The Life-boat Sir George Bowles was launched, and proceeded towards the wreck; the sea was so great that it took three hours for the crew to force the boat through it for the distance of 3 miles.

Arrived at the wreck, a long interval elapsed before a fair opportunity to board occurred, and finally the Life-boat dashed in and maintained a position near enough to pass the crew through the water one by one into the boat; thus ultimately were saved all on board, 13 in number. The boat was several times filled with water, and the crew deserve great credit for their persevering and determined efforts in rowing against the storm..